
#161 Equalizer APO is not working anymore.


It happened when PC Equalizer GUI got an error due to a Windows update deleting my Adobe Flash. After that, it said here's some errors on the registry and my system needs to be restarted. So I did just that and tried using the Configurator, but the effects are not working anymore. The symbols indicate they're on, but when I try increasing the pre-amp gain, nothing happens. The levels also do not work. I really like this app, can some help me with this please? I've done everything I could think of, but nothing has solved it so far. I've even uninstalled and re-installed the app.

Sadly, I don't remember what it specifically said, but I remember it mentioned some registry keys being missing. Thank you to whoever replies to this thread.


  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2021-03-15

    Probably the Windows update not only "broke" PC Equalizer but also "broke" Equalizer APO by undoing the rerouting done by the Configurator for the target audio devices. Usually by starting the Configurator it notices the undone rerouting and repairs it automatically. Have you seen a message of this? For some Windows update Equalizer APO needs to be uninstalled and installed again. And of course Equalizer APO needs to be installed on the target devices by using the Configurator.

    Unfortunately PC Equalizer uses Adobe Flash which is terribly outdated and insecure. Perhaps the developer changes this (visit the PC Equalizer forum on this SourceForge website). Other interfaces are also available. For instance, I'm the developer of Peace, the most popular one. But you could also use the Configuration Editor of Equalizer APO.

    When things still aren't working I'll try to help you further by pointing you to the troubleshooting options of a device for instance.

    • jeff

      jeff - 2021-03-16

      Peace actually works. I actually tried it a couple of days before, but it didn't work. I don't know why. But now, for some reason, it does.

      As for APO, I've opened the Configurator several times, but the only thing it messaged me was the aforementioned registry error. After that, it didn't do anything else, but the effects are still not working. I'll probably just use Peace for now. Thank you so much for your help.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2021-03-16

    If Peace works then Equalizer APO is still working but the Configuration Editor and the Configurator are broken by the Windows update. That might present an issue for installing Equalizer APO on new audio devices. If that happens I'll try to help.


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