
Loudness Correction Filter

  • Nuthanael Watkins

    I noticed that a "Loudness Correction Filter" was added to the functionality of EqulizerAPO in version 1.2, but haven't seen any updates to the configuration documentation which might demonstrate the implementation of this feature. Has anyone gotten this to work?

  • Jonas Thedering

    Jonas Thedering - 2017-11-12

    Yes, that still has to be added to the documentation. Currently, the only way is to use the Configuration Editor to add the filter, which also includes a calibration dialog that gives you instructions on how to set the parameters.

    • Nuthanael Watkins

      Thank you for your reply Jonas. I'll explore the Configuration editor more thoroughly.

  • Giorgio

    Giorgio - 2017-11-14

    Hi Jonas,
    I'm interested in the loudness control and I would like to know something about the implementation by A. Walch included in the editor.
    How it works? Something similar to the Audyssey dynamic volume control? In this case, on what standard the compensation level is based? May be the ISO226/2003?
    It is clear the need to calibrate the point of linear perceived SPL and the exclusive use of the eapo's level control as volume decreasing control, but....what is the task of the ref. level and ref. offset and attenuation (not dB, attenuation 0-1) controls? What about headphones versus loudspeaker differences?
    My system is configured as 5.2.1, i.e. the frequencies 10-100 Hz (24 dB/oct L.R. LP filter) are redirected to RL RR channels and the L R channels are arranged to be HP filtered with the same slope. The .1 is the SUB exclusive for LFE channel.
    The loudness works after a "Channel: R L RL RR" commad?
    Many thanks.

  • Baniita

    Baniita - 2019-05-14

    So would someone mind please explaining how to use it please? (sob) You know, for movies where the speaking is often too quiet, but the loud sound effects are too loud. So trying to compress higher volumes

    • Jonas Thedering

      Jonas Thedering - 2019-05-14

      The loudness correction filter doesn't do compression, so it's likely not what you are looking for. It is used to maintain the same perceived frequency response on different volume levels.

  • Peter Volnár

    Peter Volnár - 2019-12-17

    hi I would like to use the loudness correction to achieve equal volume level for all Youtube videos (to be able to hear all bloggers) , is it possible? I set the volume level by calibration to 50db, but it has no effect on the videos. other settings (graphic EQ) have effect on my sound. How about ref.level / offset / attenuation, should I adjust these??

  • John R Kinney

    John R Kinney - 2020-11-07

    is there an Equalizer APO that will do audio sound level compression?

    if not, are there any projects or products that do compression in the APO realm?

    • Juha

      Juha - 2020-11-08

      Hmm... if no other solution available, .... EqualizerAPO integrates with Voicemeeter which of the Banana version has compressor effect in-build.

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2020-11-08

      And perhaps a sound level compression VST plugin compatible with Equalizer APO although taking this route could be quite difficult as some plugins aren't compatible with Equalizer APO. But I though mentioning this possibility.


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