
Equalizer APO does nnot seem to load the REW filter config

  • Kazimierz Król

    Kazimierz Król - 2024-05-09

    Hi, I have followed the Wiki manual, measured the room response, set up custom filter in REW, exported to a txt file, and added the file to the config.txt in EqAPO.
    EqAPO seems to be seeing the included txt file, but does not respect it at all. The sound does not change, and the analysis panel line is totally flat regardless whether the included txt filter is enabled or not.
    If I change something in the manual filter, the sound changes fine, and the analysis line reflects it, but not for the included filter txt file. Am I doing something wrong? The filter txt file has been generated using REW version 5.31.1. Perhaps the format has changed and is not understood by EqAPO any more? I have also tried to export the filter as a formatted text, but that didn't work either.

    Attaching my filter txt file. It is not the filter I will want to use, but its a test to make sure I will hear the difference in the sound if the filter is applied.

    • Juha

      Juha - 2024-05-10

      Log -file probably tells what's wrong in config loading so, if you enable trace messages ... .

      Also, you cold try by deleting those unnecessary lines (1-9 and filter commands that are "ON" but parameters are set "None") found in included file and check if the command syntax is otherwise OK (quick look shows Oct written as oct but, dunno if this makes any difference).

      • Kazimierz Król

        Kazimierz Król - 2024-05-10

        Changing oct to Oct fixed it. Thanks for the tip.
        I have also found the log, but it wasn't very helpful:

        2024-05-10 15:26:24.048 6964 4B0EFB20 (C:\Eigene Dateien\Entwickl\EqualizerAPO\trunk\filters\BiQuadFilterFactory.cpp:174): No Q or bandwidth given in filter string PEQ      Fc    6040 Hz  Gain  15.00 dB  BW oct  0.500
        • Etienne Dechamps

          If REW is exporting files with oct instead of Oct, you may want to report that as a regression to REW's author, as that is unlikely to be an intended change. It's unlikely EAPO will be fixed to accept oct anytime soon, but REW's author is usually pretty responsive and it would probably be a trivial one-line fix for him.

          • Kazimierz Król

            Kazimierz Król - 2024-05-11

            Thanks, I will report that.

        • Juha

          Juha - 2024-05-10

          Actually, don't that log line tell you that BW oct is not written in expected syntax for EqualizerAPO (BW is an acronym for "bandwidth").

          • Kazimierz Król

            Kazimierz Król - 2024-05-11

            'BW' is self-explanatory, but 'oct' isn't. It didn't occur to me that it would be related (even though it came immediately after 'BW').

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2024-05-10

    Perhaps Equalizer APO isn't installed on the target audio device or it isn't working yet on this device. It sometimes happens that Equalizer APO is working out of the box after installing it onto an audio device. In this case you need to try the troubleshooting options to get it working.

    The most easy way to check if Equalizer APO is working on a device is to use the Preamp: command. When the sound volume can increased or decreased you know it's working.

    Btw. the commands should be placed in config.txt or in a file which must be included with an include command.

    This is what should be left as a command file:

    Filter  1: ON  PEQ      Fc   95.73 Hz  Gain -30.00 dB  BW oct  0.143
    Filter  2: ON  PEQ      Fc   113.8 Hz  Gain -28.00 dB  BW oct  0.143
    Filter  3: ON  PEQ      Fc   143.2 Hz  Gain -32.00 dB  BW oct  0.250
    Filter  4: ON  PEQ      Fc   157.0 Hz  Gain -24.00 dB  BW oct  0.050
    Filter  5: ON  PEQ      Fc   180.3 Hz  Gain -29.00 dB  BW oct  0.050
    Filter  6: ON  PEQ      Fc   216.8 Hz  Gain -28.00 dB  BW oct  0.017
    Filter  7: ON  PEQ      Fc   863.0 Hz  Gain  11.00 dB  BW oct  0.067
    Filter  8: ON  PEQ      Fc   717.8 Hz  Gain   6.00 dB  BW oct  0.143
    Filter  9: ON  PEQ      Fc    1722 Hz  Gain   8.00 dB  BW oct  0.017
    Filter 10: ON  PEQ      Fc    4131 Hz  Gain  13.50 dB  BW oct  0.143
    Filter 11: ON  PEQ      Fc    6040 Hz  Gain  15.00 dB  BW oct  0.500

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