
Equalizer APO = Trojan.Gen.2 Virus

  • JC

    JC - 2016-08-21

    Downloaded this application. Right way Norton Anti-virus flagged and removed it because it was infected with the Trojan.Gen.2 virus!!!

  • JC

    JC - 2016-08-21

    Norton AV screenshot.


    Last edit: JC 2016-08-21
    • JC

      JC - 2016-08-21
  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2016-08-22

    Equalizer APO doesn't have a virus. It's a false positive. If you aren't sure, you can upload the Equalize APO install file to Virus Total and check it yourself.

    Some virus scanners have flaws. Norton Anti-virus and McAfee often show virusses where's none.

  • Jonas Thedering

    Jonas Thedering - 2016-08-23

    Symantec seems to have whitelisted the file now. It no longer appears as detected on virustotal. So, JC, you might want to download the file again and try it now.

    I guess that this is what happens with every new Equalizer APO version. Maybe the registry manipulation done by the Configurator (which is needed to integrate E-APO into the system) is suspicious for some heuristics.

  • Walter Lesaulnier

    I know this is an old thread but it is a virus- it generated a 75GB log file "equalizerapo.log" a few days ago.


    Last edit: Walter Lesaulnier 2021-05-24
    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2021-05-25

      A virus doesn't create a log file. That's utter nosense. Have you checked its contents? Equalizerapo.log gets large very quickly when the trace log is enabled. Just disable it as explained here.

      A short explanation how virusses work: By attaching a small program to an existing program code file like a .exe file the virus code is run. When run, a virus does its harm: Spreading itself, blocking your computer, etc. Of course a virus doesn't show itself by creating a log file.

      • Sebadamus

        Sebadamus - 2021-05-27

        But could be a virus very tidy that wants to log what he does just in case you want to fix it? (naaa joking :o)

        Thanks for all your patience Peter with the project.

      • Walter Lesaulnier

        Equalizer APO looked like great software. I downloaded from Sourceforge to see if it could do a specific oddball sound related thing I was trying to do that involved a Linux distro in a Virtualbox. It didn't have the weird and unusual setting I was looking for. I never actually used it or changed any settings. About a week later I noticed I had almost no free disk space. I found the Equalizer APO.log file with Treesize.
        No, I did not look at it - 75 GB of text would be around 20 million pages. I repair computers for a living and, several times, I've seen a virus that did nothing but create a gigantic file to take up disk space. When Windows gets below a certain amount of free disk space it runs incredible slowly and can even cause crashes. I think the copy I had downloaded was infected, because there is no software in existence that would generate a 75 GB log file in a week even though not being used.

        • Sebadamus

          Sebadamus - 2021-05-27

          Could it be a bug in the version you download or that the debug got enable as the sofware could not do something, so then as explain in the link up there the program creates the log, that might have been, but no virus.

        • Peter Verbeek

          Peter Verbeek - 2021-05-27

          It's indeed odd that the trace log is being created. This should only happen when the registry value "EnableTrace" is set to "true" of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EqualizerAPO. Of course this is set to "false" at installation because Equalizer APO adds hundreds of trace log lines each second when set to "true". This quickly adds up to millions of lines over the weeks. Potentially this is a danger on its own as diskspace will run out eventually. That's why I don't understand that this trace log is so hidden in C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Temp\EqualizerAPO.log. It should be in the user's document folder and capped if growing to large.


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