

We are currently requesting that all contributions to the project are licenced under the MIT licence. Find out why?


Note: Compilation with system clang is now supported on FreeBSD 10 and later

Table of Contents

Supported Versions

These instructions have been successfully tested on :

  • FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE aarch64 (Raspberry Pi3)
  • FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE x86_64
  • FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE aarch64 (Raspberry Pi3)
  • FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE x86_64
  • FreeBSD 12-STABLE x86_64
  • FreeBSD 13.1 x86_64
  • FreeBSD 13-STABLE x86_64
  • FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT x86_64

First steps

Install FreeBSD 12-RELEASE or FreeBSD 13-RELEASE and install/update your ports tree.

freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install


Complete install documentation can be found in the FreeBSD Handbook.

If you plan to install the dependencies from source, fetch the current ports tree and build the portmaster utility:

portsnap fetch extract update
cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster
make -DBATCH install clean

Install packages

Install packages from source

the source packages can be built and installed using the following sequence

portmaster -C -D --no-confirm -y \
  x11/xorg \
  devel/git \
  converters/iconv \
  shells/ksh93 \
  x11-toolkits/open-motif \

If you don't want to wade through the many configuration steps and build with the standard configuration instead, add the -G parameter to portmaster.

More information about ports and packages can be found in the FreeBSD Handbook Ports chapter. More information about X11 in FreeBSD can also be found in the X11 Chapter in the FreeBSD Handbook.

Install binary packages

To install precompiled binary packages, make the following call

pkg install cde xorg

If you wish to track the CDE development branch,

pkg install cde-devel xorg

The development branch is updated monthly though it may be updated more frequently.

Edit /etc/rc.conf

Add to /etc/rc.conf



Clone or download the source code

Use the git clone command here:

On most platform you can use HTTPS:

git clone cdesktopenv-code

If that doesn't work (for instance some BSD distros) , use the native git protocol instead

git clone git:// cdesktopenv-code

Or download the latest source release:

Note: The source archive will become out of date. When you want the latest code, clone the git repository.

Build CDE

Version 2.5.0 and newer (autoconf)

For the BSD's, you must use gmake, and you must specify the location of the TCL install directory (the below example assumes TCL v8.6).

$ ./
$ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.6 MAKE="gmake"
$ gmake
$ sudo gmake install

Version 2.4.0 and earlier (imake) - deprecated

cd cdesktopenv-code/cde
make World
admin/IntegTools/dbTools/installCDE -s `pwd`

Start CDE

You can now start CDE login manager as root:

/usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -nodaemon

Alternatively, you can start an X session as a normal user:

startx /usr/dt/bin/Xsession

Install dtlogin as Login Manager

Switch to the CDE build directory and copy and enable the rc-file

cp contrib/rc/freebsd/dtlogin /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
echo 'dtlogin_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
echo "allowed_users=anybody" > /usr/local/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config



Wiki: SupportedPlatforms


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  • Jon Trulson

    Jon Trulson - 2014-03-12

    On Wed, 12 Mar 2014, Christopher Turkel wrote:

    --- v34
    +++ v35
    @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@

    We are currently requesting that all contributions to the project are licenced under the MIT licence. Find out why?

    -WARNING: CDE DOES NOT COMPILE WITH GCC 4.7/8 and does not compile with Clang at all.

    Most of CDE applications work. Note, DtInfo does not build at all.

    I think Dtinfo builds on all of the BSD's now, doesn't it?

    Jon Trulson

     Last day, Capricorn fifteens. Year of the city, 2274.
     Carousel begins.
  • Jon Trulson

    Jon Trulson - 2016-06-19

    This page needs a maintainer who uses FreeBSD :)

    With 2.2.4 (to be released today) the section about building Motif with printing enabled should be removed. This should no longer be a requirement as printing via Xp is no longer supported by X11 anyway.

    • Danilo Pecher

      Danilo Pecher - 2016-09-07

      I'm using FreeBSD 10.3 and couldtake over maintainance of the page.

      On 19 June 2016 at 20:22, Jon Trulson wrote:

      This page needs a maintainer who uses FreeBSD :)

      With 2.2.4 (to be released today) the section about building Motif with
      printing enabled should be removed. This should no longer be a requirement
      as printing via Xp is no longer supported by X11 anyway.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • Jon Trulson

        Jon Trulson - 2016-09-08

        On Wed, 7 Sep 2016, "Danilo Schöneberg" wrote:

        I'm using FreeBSD 10.3 and couldtake over maintainance of the page.

        I think you already have wiki edit rights, so go for it :)


        Jon Trulson

        "If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall
        like a house of cards... Checkmate."
        -- Zapp Brannigan

  • Michael Faklis

    Michael Faklis - 2016-09-06

    Using FreeBSD 10.3, I was able to complete the build of CDE. I hit a wall in step 10
    ./installCDE -s /path/to/cdesktopenv-code/cde

    • I don't know what this /path/to/ should be.
    • I also don't know what window manager (xdm, sddm, ...) is being used in FreeBSD 10.3.
    • I don't recognize xdm or sddm configuration, so it must be something else.
    • I'd like to know how to get CDE listed as one of the window desktops, along with kde, Then when the user selects CDE, what is the linkage to the startcde file?

    I tried tracking down the linkages for kde, but I could not find what I needed.

    Would someone point me to the documentation I need to reference?

    • Jon Trulson

      Jon Trulson - 2018-07-02

      This should be the full path to where the source code was built. So, assuming I cloned it into my src directory as cdesktopenv-code, the path would be:

      ./installCDE -s /home/jon/src/cdesktopenv-code/cde

  • Michael Faklis

    Michael Faklis - 2018-06-05

    I discovered in FreeBSD 11.1 that CDE is in the ports.

  • Jose Fernando Ayala Barrios

    Hi I install CDE 2.3.0 in freebsd it work good, but when i try enter using /usr/dt/bin/Xsession dont work and using X & /usr/dt/bin/Xsession i have a problem with AIGLX and swiching the resolution

  • Jose Fernando Ayala Barrios

    I fixed, the simple way to do that is using a desktop manager, and I install lightdm

  • Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

    Hi, I would like to install CDE but ksh93 package is not ported to aarch64. However, there is another ksh2020 package and port which supports this architecture. I have tried to compile with the ksh2020 but it gives an error message ksh93 not found. Are there any walkarounds to use ksh2020 package?

    • Danilo Pecher

      Danilo Pecher - 2021-01-09

      Have you tried compiling the ksh package from the ports collection?

      On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 at 20:32, Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz wrote:

      Hi, I would like to install CDE but ksh93 package is not ported to aarch64. However, there is another ksh2020 package and port which supports this architecture. I have tried to compile with the ksh2020 but it gives an error message ksh93 not found. Are there any walkarounds to use ksh2020 package?

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      • Danilo Pecher

        Danilo Pecher - 2021-01-09

        So, didn't the ksh93 package compile? You write it hasn't be ported,
        which I take to mean there is no binary package for it, as the ports
        tree is the same for all platforms. The source package in the port
        tree might still compile. And if you tried, perhaps attach a log of
        the compile process. I have painful experience in making it compile on
        NetBSD until they finally fixed it in NetBSD 8.

        On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 at 10:25, Danilo Pecher wrote:

        Have you tried compiling the ksh package from the ports collection?

        On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 at 20:32, Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz wrote:

        Hi, I would like to install CDE but ksh93 package is not ported to aarch64. However, there is another ksh2020 package and port which supports this architecture. I have tried to compile with the ksh2020 but it gives an error message ksh93 not found. Are there any walkarounds to use ksh2020 package?

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        Sent from because you indicated interest in

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        • Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

          Thank you for your response. So there are several ports for ksh on FreeBSD. They are: shells/ksh93, shells/ksh93-devel and shells/ksh2020. The only one which I was able to compile was ksh2020. However, when I compile CDE, it shows that ksh93 is not found. Thus, I am asking is there any walk around? I will try to compile with ksh2020's ksh93 and record the compilation messages.


          Last edit: Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz 2021-01-09
          • Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

            Here is the make log.

            the issue seems to be the same as listed here


            Last edit: Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz 2021-01-09
            • Danilo Pecher

              Danilo Pecher - 2021-01-09

              Have you tried to soft-link the ksh2020 binary to ksh93? Not sure if
              it works, but unless they've done major changes to it, it might be
              worth a try.

              On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 at 14:49, Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

              Here is the make log.


              cdee-make.log (947.2 kB; application/octet-stream)

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            • Danilo Pecher

              Danilo Pecher - 2021-01-09

              The make log from the failed shells/ksh93 build would be more helpful.

              On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 at 14:49, Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

              Here is the make log.


              cdee-make.log (947.2 kB; application/octet-stream)

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              • Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

                It is marked as broken. Thus I cannot compile shells/ksh93.

                • Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz

                  Found the problem. ksh2020 port does not install libAST which is required for CDE to install. Thus, it cannot be installed. Well, hopefully ksh93 port will be supporting my architecture in the future. Thank you for your help!

                  • Roger Brown

                    Roger Brown - 2021-12-06


                    I have a script which creates a binary package for ksh93 for FreeBSD aarch64.

  • Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz


    Last edit: Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz 2021-01-27
  • Danilo Pecher

    Danilo Pecher - 2021-10-27

    Updated the page with added information about port builds and dtlogin.

  • Andrey Komarov

    Andrey Komarov - 2021-11-02

    CDE 2.4.0: i386 is now broken because it cannot bind to a temporary of type va_list.

    • Danilo Pecher

      Danilo Pecher - 2021-11-02

      I'll prepare a vm and have a look at it. What version are you using?

      • Andrey Komarov

        Andrey Komarov - 2021-11-02

        I've tried compiling CDE 2.4.0 several times, but the system hangs on a blue screen "Starting CDE.  CDE 2.3.2 installed from previously saved packages CDE 2.3.2 txz from the / var / cache / pkg/  folder.
        Vào 19:07:26 GMT+3, Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 11, 2021, Danilo Pecher đã viết:

        I'll prepare a vm and have a look at it. What version are you using?

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • Andrey Komarov

        Andrey Komarov - 2021-11-02

        FreeBSD 13.0 RELEASE, CDE 2.3.2.  CDE is not currently available for i386.

        Vào 19:07:26 GMT+3, Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 11, 2021, Danilo Pecher <> đã viết:

        I'll prepare a vm and have a look at it. What version are you using?

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

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