
Amanda Network Backup / News: Recent posts

Amanda 3.3 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 3.3.0.

Source tarballs are available from


Binaries for many systems are available from


Documentation can be found at


Here's a list of the changes for release 3.3.0 (from the NEWS file):
Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2011-06-08

Amanda 2.6.1p1 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.6.1p1.
It is a bug fix release.

Source tarballs are available from


Binaries for many systems are available from


Documentation can be found at


Here's a list of the changes for release 2.6.1p1 (from the NEWS file):
Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2009-04-11

Amanda 2.6.1 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.6.1. Thanks to everyone that tested 2.6.1b1 and 2.6.1b2 and provided feedback.

Source tarballs are available from


Binaries for many systems are available from


Documentation can be found at

* read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2009-01-26

Amanda 2.6.0p2 (including Win32 client) released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.6.0p2.

Source tarballs are available from


Binaries for many systems (including Win32 client for Windows) are available from


Documentation can be found at


Here's a list of the changes for release 2.6.0p2 (from the NEWS file):
Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2008-08-26

Amanda 2.6.0p1 released

Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.6.0p1.

Source tarballs are available from


Binaries for many systems are available from


Documentation can be found at


Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.
Post your questions at and mailing list
archives are available at

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2008-05-15

Amanda 2.6.0 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.6.0

Source tarballs are available from


Binaries for many systems are available from


Documentation can be found at


The list of features are available at read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2008-04-01

2.6.0 beta released

RPMs and source tar ball are available for the following platforms at
- Red Hat Enterprise server 5,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5,
- Fedora Core 6,
- Fedora Core 7

2.6.0 features: read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2008-01-22

Amanda 2.5.2p1 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.2p1.

Amanda 2.5.2p1 RPMs, Windows client and source tar ball are available for following platforms at

- Red Hat Enterprise server 5,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5,
- Fedora Core 6,
- Windows XP, and
- Windows 2003 server ... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2007-06-07

Amanda 2.5.2 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.2. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs and submitted patches.

Amanda 2.5.2 RPMs, Windows client and source tar ball are available for following platforms at

- Red Hat Enterprise server 5,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5,
- Fedora Core 6,
- Windows XP, and
- Windows 2003 server... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2007-05-04

Amanda 2.5.2 (beta 1) released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the first beta release
of Amanda 2.5.2, the 2.5.2b1 release.

Amanda 2.5.2b1 RPMs, Windows client and source tar ball are available for following platforms at

- Red Hat Enterprise server 5,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5,
- Fedora Core 6,
- Windows XP, and
- Windows 2003 server... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2007-04-18

Amanda 2.5.1p3 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.1p3.

Amanda 2.5.1p3 RPMs, Windows client and source tar ball are available for following platforms at

- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5,
- Fedora Core 6,
- Windows XP, and
- Windows 2003 server... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2007-02-08

"Backup & Recovery" book with a chapter on Amanda

W. Curtis Preston's "Backup & Recovery" book
with Amanda chapter has been released. Thank you all who contributed your
own personal experiences with Amanda. Many real-life examples of Amanda
usage made it into the chapter.

The full version of Amanda chapter is available on wiki:

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2007-02-02

Amanda users survey results published on Amanda wiki.

Many thanks to all of you who replied to Amanda users' survey.

The results are published on the Amanda wiki:

Many people provided thoughtful suggestions for future Amanda functionality. All suggestions are captured almost word for word:

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2007-01-23

Amanda 2.5.1p2 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.1p2. This is a bug fix release.

Amanda 2.5.1p2 RPMs, Windows client and source tar ball are available for following platforms at

- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5,
- Windows XP, and
- Windows 2003 server... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-11-09

Amanda user survey

Please spare few minutes of your time and to fill out the Amanda user survey( Details about Amanda usage provided by you will help Amanda developers make appropriate decisions for future Amanda releases and will benefit the Amanda community. Your responses will be published in aggregate form on the Amanda Wiki( and the amanda-users and amanda-hackers mailing lists.

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-10-27

Amanda 2.5.1p1 windows client released!!!

Amanda 2.5.1p1 packaged windows client is available for download at Zmanda downloads page -

Please take a look at the documentation for the Windows client package at Amanda wiki -

If you have questions, please post them in Amanda forums (


Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-10-26

Amanda 2.5.1p1 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.1p1. This is a bug fix release.

Source tar ball can be downloaded from

Amanda 2.5.1p1 RPMs and source tar ball are available for following platforms at

- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4, and
- Fedora Core 5... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-09-28

Amanda development uses subversion

Amanda development will use subversion instead of CVS in

The next release (2.5.2) development will be done on subversion tree. To check out the latest tree, use:

svn co

2.5.1 fixes will be done in CVS tree (amanda-251-branch) branch.

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-09-12

Amanda 2.5.1 released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.1. It is a significant milestone in Amanda project.

Source tar ball can be downloaded from

Source tar ball and RPMs for various linux
distributions are available at

If you find bugs or have feature requests, please submit a bug report on
sourceforge in the group v2.5.1.... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-09-06

Second beta release of Amanda 2.5.1 available

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the
second beta release of Amanda 2.5.1, the 2.5.1b2 release.

Source tar ball can be downloaded from

RPMs are also available for following platforms:
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5 and
- Source RPM... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-08-01

Amanda 2.5.1 beta released

The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the
first beta release of Amanda 2.5.1, the 2.5.1b1 release.

Source tar ball can be downloaded from

RPMs are also available for following platforms:
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4,
- Fedora Core 5 and
- Source RPM... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-07-18

Amanda 2.5.1b1 RPMs are available

Curent Amanda 2.5.1b1 RPMs, built from sourceforge top of trunk tree are available
for testing at

Please do not use these images for production machines. Use Amanda stable release 2.5.0p2 for production use.

These are available for following platforms:
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4,
- Red Hat Enterprise server 3
- Suse Linux Enterprise 9,
- Suse Linux Enterprise 10 (release candidate),
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3,
- Fedora Core 4 and
- Fedora Core 5.
- Source RPM and tar ball are also available. ... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-06-09

Community funds/Enterprise support

Hi All,

Tomorrow Zmanda will be announcing availability of enterprise level
support for Amanda. It will be available as an annual subscription in
form of "Zmanda Network" (very much along the lines of "MySQL Network"
and "Red Hat Network").

I want to thank all of you for your continued helped in bringing Amanda
to its current stage (enabling its wider acceptance in the enterprise).... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-04-24

Amanda 2.5 released

The Amanda team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.0

Significant features have been added in this release:

* Communication security/authentication: Kerberos 4/5, OpenSSH
* Data security: Symmetric/Assymetric encrytion algorithms (aespipe
and gpg encryption), Encryption can be done on server or client,
Custom encryption utilities can be used.
* Compression: Ability to add custom compression tools. This is a
really useful feature especially since it can specified for a
DLE.User can use different compression algorithm for images, binaries,
ascii files and so on.
* Dump images spanning multiple media volumes - Dump images are no
longer restricted to a single media volume (tape or vtape). Data
restoration can be done using amrecover and amfetchdump commands.
* Auto tape labeling - This optional feature is good for disk backups.... read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-03-24

Amanda 2.5.0b2 release announcement

The Amanda team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.5.0b2. It is
stable and we hope to release 2.5.0 soon. Please provide feedback and
test results on this release.

2.5.0b2 source tar ball can be downloaded from (

Amanda 2.5.0b2 RPMs (including source RPM) are now available for
- Red Hat Enterprise server 4.0,
- Suse Enterprise 9.0,
- Open Suse 10.0,
- Fedora Core 3 and
- Fedora Core 4
at read more

Posted by Paddy Sreenivasan 2006-01-24