Showing 999 open source projects for "all-in-one"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • 1


    Google maps for block game

    A Minecraft pathfinder bot. Baritone is the pathfinding system used in Impact since 4.4. How to immediately get started: Type #goto 1000 500 in chat to go to x=1000 z=500. Type #mine diamond_ore to mine diamond ore. Type #stop to stop. For more, read the usage page and/or watch this tutorial playlist. For other versions of Minecraft or more complicated situations or for development, see Installation & setup. Also consider just installing Impact, which comes with Baritone and is easier to...
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  • 2


    Hibernate's core object/relational mapping functionality

    ... "profiles" in databases.gradle. These profiles can be activated by name using the db build property which can be passed either as a JVM system prop (-D) or as a Gradle project property (-P). You don't have to install all databases locally to be able to test against them in case you have docker available. The script allows you to start a pre-configured database which can be used for testing.
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  • 3


    A quality control analysis tool for high throughput sequencing data

    FastQC is a quality control analysis tool designed to spot potential problems in high throughput sequencing datasets. Its goal is to provide a simple way by which to check the quality of raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It does this by running a modular set of analyses on one or more raw sequence files in fastq or bam format. It then produces a report summarizing the results, and highlighting any areas where the library may appear unusual. This should...
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  • 4


    A Distributed RESTful Search Engine

    Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine that lets you store, search and analyze with ease at scale. It lets you perform and combine many types of searches; it scales seamlessly, and offers answers incredibly fast with search results you can rank based on a variety of factors. Elasticsearch can be used for a wide variety of use cases, from maps and metrics to site search and workplace search, and with all data types.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    A Java library for technical analysis

    ... of past market data. Then we have to build our trading strategy. It is made of two trading rules, one for entry, the other for exit. Ta4j comes with a set of basic trading rules/strategies which can be combined using boolean operators. Trading strategies can be easily compared according to a set of analysis criteria. Ta4j can also be used for live trading with more complicated strategies.
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  • 6


    Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool

    Often times, the production system network is inaccessible from the local development environment. If issues are encountered in production systems, it is impossible to use IDEs to debug the application remotely. More importantly, debugging in production environment is unacceptable, as it will suspend all the threads, resulting in the suspension of business services. Developers could always try to reproduce the same issue on the test/staging environment. However, this is tricky as some issues...
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  • 7
    Sweet Home 3D

    Sweet Home 3D

    An interior design application to draw house plans & arrange furniture

    Download the full version at: Sweet Home 3D is an interior design application that helps you to quickly draw the floor plan of your house, arrange furniture on it, and visit the results in 3D.
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  • 8


    An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.

    Over 1,000,000 page views per month. Jmol/JSmol is a molecular viewer for 3D chemical structures that runs in four independent modes: an HTML5-only web application utilizing jQuery, a Java applet, a stand-alone Java program (Jmol.jar), and a "headless" server-side component (JmolData.jar). Jmol can read many file types, including PDB, CIF, SDF, MOL, PyMOL PSE files, and Spartan files, as well as output from Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, VASP, CRYSTAL, CASTEP, QuantumEspresso, VMD, and many other...
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  • 9


    BBMap short read aligner, and other bioinformatic tools.

    This package includes BBMap, a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. It is written in pure Java, can run on any platform, and has no dependencies other than Java being installed (compiled for Java 6 and higher). All tools are efficient and multithreaded. BBMap: Short read aligner for DNA and RNA-seq data. Capable of handling arbitrarily large genomes with millions of scaffolds. Handles Illumina, PacBio, 454, and other reads; very high sensitivity...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 10
    OpenJUMP (The JUMP Pilot Project)
    OpenJUMP is a community driven fork of JUMP the "Java Unified Mapping Platform" GIS software. The original JUMP was developed by Vivid Solutions, released under GPL2 in 2003 and discontinued in 2006. During 2004 already some enthusiastic developers joined together to enhance further the features of JUMP. They launched an independent development branch called OpenJUMP. The name gives credit to the original JUMP development, and at the same time describes the objectives of this project to...
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  • 11
    Digital Logic Design

    Digital Logic Design

    Digital Circuits Design and Simulation

    ... Combinational, Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. The circuit working can be analyzed by using output parts like LEDs, Seven Segment Display as well as CRT and digital Oscilloscope all provided in the software. This Software may be used by professionals, hobbyists and students alike. The teachers may incorporate this software in their courses like Digital Logic and Computer Design, Computer Architecture, Computer Organization and Embedded Systems.
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  • 12
    DkIT Bridge Designer

    DkIT Bridge Designer

    Dundalk Institute of Technology Virtual Bridge Design Competition

    The DkIT Bridge Designer will provide you with a realistic introduction to engineering through an authentic, hands-on design experience. This software provides you with the tools to model, test, and optimize a steel highway bridge, based on realistic specifications, constraints, and performance criteria. Supported by Dundalk Insititute of Technology and All-Island Funds, this is a virtual bridge designer that allows kids of all ages learn about engineering and compete with their classmates!
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  • 13
    The RDP Classifier is a naive Bayesian classifier that can rapidly and accurately provides taxonomic assignments for bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA sequences, fungal LSU and fungal ITS sequences, with confidence estimates for each assignment. More information and tutorials on how to install, use and retrain RDP Clasifier can be found on at and John Quensen's blog ( Citation: 1. Wang Q, Garrity GM, Tiedje JM, Cole JR. Naive...
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  • 14
    Image To Gerber Converter

    Image To Gerber Converter

    Convert any image to gerber and drill files

    ... improvements and updating your design, as you will be able to make design modifications, add a silkscreen layer, resize drill diameters, create a soldermask layer to protect copper areas and to avoid accidental shorts, convert a single-side design into a double-side or multi-layer design,… all that just by editing your image with your preferred image editor.
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  • 15
    Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

    Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

    Precision Trigonometry: Advanced Calculator for Complex Math

    Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy input of problems and instant computation. Professionals such as engineers who need to perform advanced trigonometric calculations in their work will find this tool extremely useful. More info by clicking below: Advanced Trigonometry Calculator was only and always only developed by the Portuguese Renato Alexandre dos Santos Freitas. Also author of...
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  • 16


    JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol

    .... JSmol can read all the files that Jmol reads. You can do all the scripting that Jmol does. You can create all the buttons and links and such that you are used to creating for Jmol. All of the rendering capability of the Jmol applet is there. JSmol has both a console and a popup menu. JSmol is integrated fully with JSME and JSpecView. A "lite" version of JSmol provides minimal functionality (balls and sticks only) for extremely small-bandwith apps. Released 1/12/2013
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  • 17
    Mobile Open-Source Software and Tools

    Mobile Open-Source Software and Tools

    Android, UIQ 3.0, Series 60 Edition 5 open-source software

    Android, Symbian UIQ 3.0 and Symbian Series 60 Edition 5 open-source software, tools, libraries and themes. Most notable the FX-602P / FX-603P Simulator and the HP-45 Emulator are hosted here.
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  • 18


    Satellite Procedure Execution Language and Library

    SPELL is a framework composed of an integrated environment for the development and execution of satellite automated procedures. It is capable of running any procedure via different Ground Control System and for any spacecraft. The goal of SPELL is to have a powerful and readable automation language, which can be shared across Satellite Operators and Satellite Manufacturers. If we all use the same language, the cost and the risk associated with automated procedures will go down! SPELL...
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  • 19
    jEPlus - Parametrics for E+ and TRNSYS

    jEPlus - Parametrics for E+ and TRNSYS

    An EnergyPlus shell for parametric studies and more ...

    Parametric analysis is often needed for exploring design options, especially when a global optimization method is not available, or the optimization result is in doubt. Parametric analysis can also be applied to all design variables simultaneously, which forms an exhaustive search that, providing that the search grid is fine enough, will guarantee a global optimum solution. In order to perform complex parametric analyses on multiple parameters with more than a handful of alternative values each...
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  • 20
    Kitchen Garden Aid 2

    Kitchen Garden Aid 2

    Plan out your kitchen garden

    An easy to use application to design your kitchen garden or your house farm. Helps you plan your plants ( vegetables, fruit trees, herbs, flowers ) so that it respects the rules of crop rotation and companion planting. Based on square foot gardening. A fork of The windows installer contains all necessary files. A Linux and Mac package contains scripts and instructions to install the dependencies, and run KGA. If you download the jar...
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  • 21


    Unicode XML TEI text analysis platform

    TXM is a free and open-source cross-platform Unicode & XML based text analysis environment and graphical client, supporting Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It can also be used online as a J2EE standard compliant web portal (GWT based) with access control built in. DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION OF TXM : TXM offers a comprehensive range of analysis tools (concordances, collocate search, frequency lists, etc.) based on the powerfull CQP...
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  • 22
    Open Beam Profiler

    Open Beam Profiler

    Profiling and analysis of laser beams with ImageJ

    This open-source software enables profiling and analysis of laser beams. It can be used with a variety of cameras supported by ImageJ and Micro-Manager, or images from any other source. It provides all common analysis methods like D4Sigma, knife-edge, as well as fitting of Hermite-Gauss, Laguerre-Gauss and super-Gauss functions.
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  • 23
    DEVS-Suite Simulator

    DEVS-Suite Simulator

    Component, CA, and CCA models; superdense time, DB repo, testing, etc.

    Integrated component-based and cellular automata (CA) Parallel DEVS simulator: OFFERS: 1) synchronized execution & animation, 2) run-time linear/superdense I/O & state trajectories, 3) Action Level Real-Time modeling & simulation, 4) model checking, 5) ABM, 6) CA & composable CA playback, 7) KIB interaction modeling, 8) hierarchical model libraries, 9) Black-Box testing & debugging, 10) PostgreSQL repository, 11) FMU (OpenModelica), 12) OSATE (AADL...
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  • 24


    Enigma Encryption Simulator in Java

    This program is an offline and stand-alone Java application which simulates the Enigma encryption machine that was used during World War II.
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    An intuitive and efficient tool for preprocessing Illumina FASTQ reads

    123FASTQ performs all the pre-processes of Illumina next-generation sequencing reads (FASTQ files) easier than ever.  Download the quick user manual for the latest version: Authors: Milad Eidi, Samaneh Abdolalizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Nassirpour Supervisors: Javad Zahiri, PhD University of California San Diego  Masoud Garshasbi, PhD Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran If you use 123FASTQ...
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