Software Update for Embedded Systems
USB loadcell meter using an MCP2210 chip to interface with an HX711
Scriptable data terminal which supports several interfaces.
freeRTOS for Arduino Uno, Goldilocks 1284p & Mega 2560
Python controlled hardware.
Yet Another JNI-D2XX Interface Project
ESP32 Arduino Based Reflow Oven Controller Schematics and Firmware
Recirculation infusion mash system library for Arduino
Ecos for AVR32 targets
A command-line programmer for Atmel USB microcontrollers
Simple USB flash memory programmer.
'Portable WinAVR' , a version that doesn't require an install
The ezLINX™ iCoupler® Isolated Interface Development Environment
LED Color Control System for RaspberryPi and Dreambox
FW and HW design for a 7-key chording keyboard