Simplistic interactive filtering tool
Sync Outlook with Google, SOGo or any other CalDAV / CardDAV server
Powerful Open Source Email Marketing app with analytics & segmentation
Chat Messenger. E-Mail-Client. Websearch. Filetransfer.
Simple-to-use/-install issue-tracking system: web, REST, email, CLI
Interactive spam removal utility
Zentyal is a Linux Small Business Server
Phishing Campaign Toolkit
This app can sort mails, using a list of mails and collaborators.
tinyCampaign is a simple and lightweight newsletter system.
Bulk email sender run as windows background service
Mail Alert Simple Mailer
Reduce misspelled email addresses in your web apps
Simple web interface for Postfix domains, accounts, aliases
Lightweight email crawler
Tools to convert Z mark-up to HTML or text.
Send particular page(es) of PDF-file(s) to the imprinted recipient
Enhances the outlook meeting experience by few added features
Go Gmailer is a java based desktop app to send emails.
A simple library for sending emails with or without attachments
MailMonitorSQL es una Aplicacion en java que simula