Cloud Torrent, a self-hosted remote torrent client
The Leading Open Source Communication Hub | Community Version
The next open source file uploader for web browsers
Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and others
Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC
A lightweight IPFS Gateway daemon backed by a remote data store
Control an IPFS daemon (go-ipfs or js-ipfs) using JavaScript
Full-text IPFS-friendly and WASM-compatible Search in Rust
Client for the w3up API
Free online agile retrospective meeting tool
Provide softphone support to AmazonConnect customers
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using JavaScript/Node.js
Fast batch message passing between nodes for Erlang/Elixir
A IPFS backed storage implementation for docker/OCI registry
A free and reliable P2P BitTorrent client
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
Java-based ONC/RPC implementation
Arduino Mega 2560 + Ethernet Shield to Drive 8 Relays for MFJ-993b
Database Replication, Filtered Synchronization, and Transformation
Cross-platform BBS (ANSI) Terminal
AS2 1.1 server implementation in Java
Remote control. Support VNC, RDP, Terminal, SSH, TELNET etc
Chat Messenger. E-Mail-Client. Websearch. Filetransfer.
Modern, AI-Smart, WASTE p2p for ipv4, Tor and i2p + Voice Conference.
A client for the remote use of VirtualBox on a server