The free and Open Source productivity suite
ERP Server
Enterprise project management replacement for Project Server
A Full PLM system based on odoo
Text-based user interface to query data on Oracle DB in a smart way
The most affordable CRM system according to Capterra
Openbravo ERP is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP)
AGENCY is a Free Software Data System by and for Nonprofits and others
Etendo ERP is upgrade from Openbravo
Open source Scrum tool and an ALM solution
Bovespa Analytics
Building High Quality ERP and Accounting Software for SMB & SME
Call Auditing and Reporting Tool
Mã Nguồn Website Quản Lý Sản Phẩm Đơn Giản
Gestione telematica della denuncia di infortunio su porta di dominio
Estimates, Contracts, Invoices, POS and Reports software