Open source PDF editor
Ping, but with a graph
colorschemes, colormaps, gradients, and palettes
A viewer for git and diff output
2D plotting for Julia
Word cloud generator in julia
Ridiculously fast, fully asynchronous, sharded hashmap for Rust
Chromatone is a digital garden of visual music theory
Julia bindings for Rust
Metadata/data identification Java library
The free and Open Source productivity suite
Powerful desktop publishing software
Simple application that allows customers to order online
Draws signalling charts, block diagrams and graphs from text input.
Draw vector graphics to scale using a descriptive language
Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI.
This zip jar contains the current coverings of periodic paths.
Easy Tools of PDF, Image, File, Network, Data, and Medias
Real Time Slideshow Crypto Price Ticker For Raspberry Pi LCD Screens
Program for molecular graphics
110+ developer tools as native MacOS, Linux & Windows desktop apps.
a free mind mapping tool, to especially assist decision making
Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts
Complete solution for HDR photography