MANTI - Mastering Advanced N-Termini Interpretation
Various scripts used in sequencing, annotation and RNAseq analysis - MQ unified data assembler
City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline
Performs several operations to Fasta protein databases
Get specific sequences from a FASTA or FASTQ file.
An End-to-End Analysis Pipeline for BS-seq
Multi-FASTA sequence (DNA or protein) statistics calculator.
A collection of Perl modules for handling fasta/q sequences and files.
Accurately discover viral integration events and fusion transcripts
Placnet project
We describe a simple XML format to share text documents and annotation
REDO - RNA Editing Detection in Organelle
An Illumina clone assembly system using SOAPdenovo and ABySS
An interactive FTP-like command-line BaseSpace download client
Pedigree Reconstruction and Identification of a Maximum Unrelated Set
a tool for calling transposons
PhyloTrack, D3.js and JBrowse for phylogeny and positioning of samples
High-Quality methylation maps and SNV calling from BS-Seq experiments
Scripting tool for automatize and managing complex NGS analysis
BCV is DNA base caller with vocabulary
q: integrated platform for pipeline configuration and management