A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron
TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox
Generic Mapping Tools Library Wrapper for Julia
Geometric deep learning extension library for PyTorch
Javascript audio library for the modern web
A walk along memory lane
A smooth 3D tilt javascript library
3D and 2D game engine written in Rust
Vue.js components rendering 3D WebGL graphics reactively with three.js
3D game engine/framework in C, with Luajit and Python bindings now
Open source JavaScript SDK for viewing high-detail 3D BIM
Webots ROS 2 packages
ROS 2 package of 3D lidar slam using ndt/gicp registration
A toy physically based GPU path tracer (C++/OpenGL/GLSL)
A Julia implementation of quaternions
Julia implementations for different rotation parameterizations
Implementation of a U-net complete with efficient attention
Plotting for Julia based on GR
Examples and demos for the pythonocc CAD package
A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
Sceneform Maintained is an ARCore Android SDK with Google Filament
Create 3D web applications with HTML, bring a new depth to your DOM
Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D
Visual localization made easy with hloc
Java/JavaFX/Kotlin Game Library (Engine)