Home / libsbml / 4.3.1 / Windows
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64-bit 2011-03-29
32-bit 2011-03-29
README.txt 2011-03-29 1.7 kB
Totals: 3 Items   1.7 kB 0
                        l i b S B M L   4.3.1
	  Installers for Microsoft Windows operating systems

This directory contains installers for precompiled versions of libSBML
for Microsoft Windows systems.  Please navigate to either the 32-bit
or 64-bit folders, to match the version of the operating system you
are using.

For more information about libSBML, please visit the libSBML website at


Please report any problems with libSBML using the tracker at


Thank you for your interest in libSBML!

The LibSBML Team.

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 :sss+-`   ./oooooo//:::+syyy.   oh/     /hhhs`    `yh.  -hy`          
  `/syssooossssssssssssyyyy/`    oh/      shh-     `yh.  -hhooooooooooo
    `-/+oso+/-.-:/osyyso/-`      -:.      .:-      `--`  `:::::::::::::
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-03-29