Home / MinGW / Extension / zlib / zlib-1.2.7-1
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
zlib.README.txt 2012-05-14 6.6 kB
zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-src.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 516.8 kB
zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-doc.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 76.6 kB
zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-lic.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 944 Bytes
zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-man.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 2.2 kB
minizip-1.2.7-1-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 19.6 kB
libz-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 109.8 kB
libz-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dll-1.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 49.0 kB
libminizip-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 60.7 kB
libminizip-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dll-1.tar.lzma 2012-05-14 18.2 kB
Totals: 10 Items   860.5 kB 1,121
mingw zlib
zlib is a general purpose data compression library.  All the code is thread
safe.  The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request
for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt
(zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format) and rfc1952.txt (gzip format).

Release: zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32

Files:   zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-src.tar.lzma        (full source code)
         zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-doc.tar.lzma        (FAQ and example code)
         zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-lic.tar.lzma        (licensing terms)
         zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-man.tar.lzma        (manpages)

         libz-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma         (libraries and headers)
         libz-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dll-1.tar.lzma       (redistributable DLL)

         minizip-1.2.7-1-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma      (minizip utility)
         libminizip-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dll-1.tar.lzma (redistributable DLL)
         libminizip-1.2.7-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma   (libraries and headers)

Notes:   This is a binary release of the zlib compression/decompression
         library, compiled for use with mingw32 applications.

         The source code is unchanged from that distributed by zlib.net,
         with the exception of a minimal set of patches to the configure
         script and makefile. This distribution also includes the add-on
	 library libminizip and a sample minizip application, suitable
	 for simple manipulations of zip-format archives.

         The "src" tarball delivers the full unmodified source code from
         zlib.net, with the addition of the above two files.

         The "doc", "lic" and "man" tarballs provide the documentation
         components, as identified above, abstracted from the source
         tarball, and repackaged into a file hierarchy structure which
         is suitable for installation into the user's installed MinGW
         directory hierarchy; for a standard installation, they should
         be unpacked into the C:\MinGW directory.

         Developers of mingw32 applications, who wish to link to the
         zlib libraries, will require at least the "dev" tarball; this
         provides the libz.a static version of the library, libz.dll.a
         import library, for linking to a DLL version of the library,
         and the set of C language headers common to both.  The DLL
         version of the library, libz-1.dll, is provided separately, by
         the "dll-1" tarball.  (Note that both of these tarballs are
         identified by a package name of "libz", rather than "zlib",
         reflecting the actual names of the libraries they provide).
         As in the case of the installable documentation, each of these
         tarballs should be unpacked into the C:\MinGW directory.

         Please note that the libz-1.dll delivered by this package
         should be compatible with the standard zlib1.dll distributed by
         zlib.net.  However, such compatibility has not been verified;
         it also has an additional dependency on the shared gcc runtime
         library libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll.  Hence, the DLL is distributed by
         MinGW.org using the alternative name, libz-1.dll.

  mingw32-libgcc-dll-1      4.6.2-1

Build Requires:
  mingw32-gcc-core-bin      4.6.2-1
  mingw32-binutils-bin      2.22-1
  mingw32-w32api-dev        3.17-2
  mingw32-mgwport-bin       0.10.6-1
  msys-core-bin             1.0.17-1
  msys-coreutils-bin        5.97-3
  msys-bash-bin             3.1.17-4
  msys-patch-bin            2.6.1-1
  msys-make-bin             3.82-5
  msys-tar-bin              1.23-1
  msys-bzip2-bin            1.0.5-2
  msys-xz-bin               5.0.3-2
  msys-lndir-bin            1.0.1-2
  msys-wget-bin             1.12-1
Canonical homepage:

Canonical download:




Build instructions:
  unpack zlib-1.2.7-1-mingw32-src.tar.lzma
  mgwport zlib-1.2.5-3.mgwport all

This will create:

See `mgwport --help' for other options.


Test suite results
This section of this document is updated with each new release.
No history is maintained here.

$ mgwport zlib-$VER-$REL.mgwport check
>>> Testing zlib-1.2.7-1
hello world
zlib version 1.2.7 = 0x1270, compile flags = 0x55
uncompress(): hello, hello!
gzread(): hello, hello!
gzgets() after gzseek:  hello!
inflate(): hello, hello!
large_inflate(): OK
after inflateSync(): hello, hello!
inflate with dictionary: hello, hello!
                *** zlib test OK ***
hello world
zlib version 1.2.7 = 0x1270, compile flags = 0x55
uncompress(): hello, hello!
gzread(): hello, hello!
gzgets() after gzseek:  hello!
inflate(): hello, hello!
large_inflate(): OK
after inflateSync(): hello, hello!
inflate with dictionary: hello, hello!
                *** zlib shared test OK ***
hello world
zlib version 1.2.7 = 0x1270, compile flags = 0x55
uncompress(): hello, hello!
gzread(): hello, hello!
gzgets() after gzseek:  hello!
inflate(): hello, hello!
large_inflate(): OK
after inflateSync(): hello, hello!
inflate with dictionary: hello, hello!
                *** zlib 64-bit test OK ***

Port Notes:

This mingw build of zlib supports 64 bit file access (large files).


----------  zlib-1.2.7-1 -- 2012 May 13 -----------
* Rebuild with gcc-4.6.2
* Upgrade to latest upstream release

----------  zlib-1.2.5-4 -- 2011 Sep 17 -----------
* Rebuild with gcc-4.6.1

----------  zlib-1.2.5-3 -- 2011 Aug 31 ----------- unreleased -----------
* Adapt build system to use mgwport framework

----------  zlib-1.2.5-2 -- 2011 Jun 08 ----------- unreleased -----------
* Adapt build system to use pkgbuild/pkgbuild.ini framework.
* Adopt patchset from cygwin's cross-build mingw-zlib package.

----------  zlib-1.2.5-1 -- 2011 Apr 23 -----------
* First zlib release with a changelog
Source: zlib.README.txt, updated 2012-05-14