
Yet Another Java Service Wrapper / News: Recent posts

yajsw-stable-11.06 released


Bug: Jna tmp folder
Bug: yajsw prints wrong version
Bug: netty: do not use sun.misc.Unsafe, this may crash the JVM (we do not need high performance)
Bug: windows >= vista and java >= 7: check that is set and set it in the windows batch file and service command line
Bug: possible loop in JVMController.processStarted()
Change: minor changes in WrappedJavaProcess.getDOption(), WrappedJavaProcess.reconnect()
New: new property: wrapper.restart.reload_cache
New: script: vfsCommandCondition.gv

Posted by rzo 2013-04-20

yajsw-stable-11.05 released

Bug: WrapperJVMMain.WRAPPER_MANAGER.signalStopping() is broken
Bug: while (true) {wrappedJavaProcess.init(); wrappedJavaProcess.start(); wrappedJavaProcess.stop() } fails to immediatly stop the application.
Bug: NPE in WrapperManagerImpl
Bug: [3605341] NoClassDefFoundError: org/rzo/yajsw/srvmgr/server/Ser
Change: WrappedProcess.start() now resets the restart counter.

Posted by rzo 2013-03-10

yajsw-stable-11.04 released

New: Autoupdate of wrapper and application. see documentation for details
New: command "-rw": remove and wait until the service has been removed.
New: property wrapper.logfile.maxdays
Bug: Installing a multi-config wrapper as daemon
Bug: AIX, FreeBSD: Undefined symbol "stdout", error installing daemon
Bug: Mac OS Can't connect to Window
Bug: broken in 11.03
Bug: wrapper.cleanup_tmp not working as supposed
Bug: Nested braces / absolute path in wrapper.conf
Bug: Changed VFS so that it does not use an xml parser
Bug: shutdown wait timeout negative
Bug: JarBuilder: Source code discrepancy
Change: make yajsw less talkative if wrapper.debug is not set.

Posted by rzo 2013-01-10

yajsw-stable-11.03 released


* Bug: 11.02 does not work with Java 1.5
* Bug: .svn dir in src\ahessian\org\jboss\netty\handler\ipfilter
* Bug: The handle is invalid -> print message instead of stack trace
* Bug: configuration file: error evaluating include directives with env vars.
* Bug: Problems geting stdout with Solaris 10 sparc:
* Bug: Windows: totalRAM in WindowsXPSystemInformation
* Bug: commons logging, default (log4j) does not log to file.
* Bug: Error creating
* Bug: Application could not restart due to hacker TCP/IP connection to wrapper controller
* Bug: ahessian may hang similar to java bug in ReentrantLock
* Change: when setting environment vars: use javas System.getEnv()
* Change: Executing jar files: classpath from manifest are added to the classpath of the application.
* New: wrapper.config.script.<n> for user defined scripts within the configuration
* New: decode.gv groovy script for decoding properties within the configuration file
* New: wrapper.script.<n>.<state>: allow multiple scripts for the same state transition. For compatibility wrapper.script.<state> will be interpreted as <n> being set to "". Execution order of the scripts is the alpha-numeric order of <n>
* New: Unset properties by setting ${return null}
* New: \r\n line endings: wrapper.logfile.format=LPNTM\r\n
* New: property wrapper.cleanup_tmp default: true, clean up the tmp folder of err_ ... files at startup. Note: jna cleans up its files at startup.
* New: property wrapper.tray.spawn_process

Posted by rzo 2012-08-26

yajsw-stable-11.02 released


Bug: cmd line config override broken since 10.5
Bug: Linux: evaluating wrapper.ntservice.additional
Bug: same script should not execute concurrently
Bug: WRAPPER log rolling doesn't work
Bug: rollmode DATE always keeps 10(=wrapper.logfile.maxfiles) files for every date
Bug: in stop configuration include of main configuration must be absolute.
Bug: not doesn't work
Bug: totalRAM() hangs
New: wrapper.script.reload allow update of scripts without restart of wrapper: file changed date is checked before script execution
New: wrapper.script.encoding, wrapper.log.encoding, wrapper.conf.encoding configuration properties to set the encoding of the script, log and configuration files.
New: wrapper.console.pipestreams for wrapped java processes: stdout and stderr are streamed to the wrapper instead of t-ing System.out and System.err
New: log os, yajsw, jvm versions
Change: upgraded libraries: configuration-1.8, netty-3.5.0Beta1, commons-vfs2-2.0, jna-3.4.1
Change: Separated Posix and Windows batch files to folders bat and bin !
Change: calculate totalRAM/freeRAM only when required.
Change: build: dependency versions defined in main build script

Posted by rzo 2012-06-10

yajsw-stable-11.01 released


Bug: handling ping timeout, in some cases ping timeout may trigger too early, ping timeout may result in stop instead of restart.
Bug: Duplicate parameters for launched service
Bug: Linux: app.wrapper.account doesn't with fork_hack
Bug: Linux: wrapper.fork_hack spawns java with wrong jna lib
Bug: Linux: randomly process will not restart
Bug: wrapper.on_exit.1=SHUTDOWN System.exit(1) does not shutdown wrapper
Bug: exception when stopping wrapper console using CNTRL-C
Change: value for property wrapper.on_exit: STOP: will cause the application to stop (note: wrapper will stop depending on the wrapper.control property), SHUTDOWN: will stop the application and the wrapper
Change: java system property jna.tmpdir for setting the tmp folder for jna library files.Please refer to the documentation. wrapper.tmp.path per default set to jna.tmpdir
Change: per default tmp files are created in <yajsw>/tmp
Change: per default log files are created in <yajsw>/log
Change: reworked log file rolling.
Change: use for native exes
Change: commandCondition.gv: commands for start/stop of cyclic thread dump
Change: ROLLNUM always appended to logfile
Change: Linux:,, calls sudo
New: properties for restarting the application in case of excessive memory or full scan gc usage:,,
New: wrapper.logfile.rollmode= DATE

Posted by rzo 2012-04-11

yajsw-stable-11.0 released

Bug: System tray icon causes exception
Bug: genConfig: does not handle jdk 6 wildcard in classpath.
Bug: error resolving wild cards in case classpath is "lib/ folder/*"
Bug: Specifying java command in environment: better logging if command not found.
Bug: Not equals configuration under Windows and Unix: replaced in unix batches yajsw with wrapper !!
Change: if this is an absolute path, the given path is used.
Change: must be a file: Windows: if .exe is missing it is automatically added.
Change: Enhanced logging when determining java command.
Change: update to jna release 3.4.0
Change: update to netty release 3.3.1
New: Configuration property wrapper.save_interpolation, default: value true
New: Configuration properties for windows services: wrapper.ntservice.delayed_autostart, wrapper.ntservice.failure_actions.reset_period, wrapper.ntservice.failure_actions.reboot_msg, wrapper.ntservice.failure_actions.command, wrapper.ntservice.failure_actions.action, wrapper.ntservice.failure_actions.action_delay
New: property for running the service with a java command different then read more

Posted by rzo 2012-02-22

yajsw-beta-10.12 released

* Bug: Error evaluating ${...} expressions in configuration. Error installing daemon on Linux
* Bug: yajsw-beta-10.11 manifest missing jars. Note: jars ave moved from lib/core to lib/extended

Posted by rzo 2011-12-18

yajsw-beta-10.11 released


Bug: Jboss 7 startup fails logging initialisation -> do not use java.util.logging in WrapperJVMMain
Bug: Error resolving ".." and "." in property
Bug: Reworked setenv.gv script
Bug: Error parsing groovy script -> remove index.list from glazedlist jar file.
Bug: PosixService.stop() fixed timeout. thanks to ddahlmann for the patch
Bug: maxmemory parameter doesn't work without initmemory
Change: Added logging in application scripts
Change: Absolute Minimum Files To Run On Windows -> removed unused jar files, moved jar files to lib/extended
Change: "Remember" environment variables and system properties when installing a service. Up to now only interpolations were "remembered"
New: Interpolated config options become "hard coded" -> new configuration property: wrapper.save_interpolated, default value: true
New: Sample configuration file for oracle odi
New: Sample configuration file for JBoss 7
New: Sample script for thread dump on application exit.

Posted by rzo 2011-11-27

yajsw-beta-10.10 released

Bug: genConfig: error parsing jvm options.
Bug: process may not restart, if application start fails after first restart
Bug: tray icon: possible port leak if connection fails.
Bug: tray icon: multicast discovery: may cause message flood if running on multiple computers in a network
Bug: windows: install service: bad java exe
Bug: application not started on linux: new property: wrapper.fork_hack
Bug: Linux: application restarts every 25 days.
Change: tray icon: windows: close popup menue on mouse click. note: java implements this only with awt, not with swing -> using jna to listen to mouse events outside java. If anyone knows how to implement this for linux, pls let me know.
Change: split ahessian.jar -> ahessian.jar, hessian4.jar in future these may be extracted to a separate project.
Change: AbstractWrappedProcess: remove synchronized from stop(), so we can stop a process while it is restarting/starting.
New: added authentication to sendMail script.
New: windows: UAC support: WrapperExe: if required, elevate process for service start, stop, install, remove.
New: windows: support service installation with delayed autostart: wrapper.ntservice.starttype=DELAYED_AUTO_START
New: tray icon: property wrapper.tray.look_and_feel = <L&F full class name>
New: tray icon: display virtual and private memory.

Posted by rzo 2011-10-15

yajsw-beta-10.9 released


Bug: Corrupt source file in distribution
Bug: NPE in ahessian.
Bug: genConfig: Error parsing -jar with space in jar path.
Bug: application not restarted on server with high load: Thread race issue
Bug: Linux: genConfig: NPE.
Bug: class not found exception in applications which use commons configuration: error in build script
Bug: error in build script: adjusted dependencies
Bug: misspelled "relative" in default configuration.
Bug: RESTART state change trigger may stop the application
Bug: Error in DateFileHandler.rotateDate() using 24h time
Bug: monitor gc: could not find minorGCBean
Bug: Windows: missing WrappedProcess.getCluster()
New: method WrappedProcess.gc() & gc button in system tray icon console.
New: method WrappedProcess.dumpHeap(String file) & dump heap button in system tray icon console
New: method WrapperJVMMain.WRAPPER_MANAGER.signalStopping(long waitHint).Thanks to ddahlmann for the patch.
New: method WrapperJVMMain.WRAPPER_MANAGER.getProperties().
New: Windows: method WrapperJVMMain.WRAPPER_MANAGER.getStopReason(). Returns a string indicating why the application is being stopped: "SERVICE", "COMPUTER", "USER", "PING_TIMEOUT", "RESTART", null. This method can be called within a shutdown hook of the application.
New: Tray Icon: Configuration properties: wrapper.ntservice.autoreport.waitready, wrapper.tray.text.dialog_exit_tray, wrapper.tray.text.dialog_stop, wrapper.tray.text.dialog_restart, wrapper.tray.text.dialog_exit_wrapper, wrapper.tray.commands. Thanks to shacharo for the patch.
New: Tray Icon: Dialog before stopping wrapper/application/tray controlled by property: wrapper.tray.dialog. Default: true
New: Tray Icon: Script to set tray icon state color
New: windows bat: runConsoleW.bat, systemTrayIconW.bat

Posted by rzo 2011-08-14


yajsw-beta-10.8 has been released:

Bug: Linux: daemon is not shut down cleanly
Bug: wrapper.restart.reload_configuration error on application restart
Bug: genConfig aborts for "java -jar app.jar"
New: Windows Vista and higher: handle session 0 for services: wrapper.ntservice.logon_active_session: wait for user to logon and logon the application as this user. wrapper.ntservice.desktop: the name of the desktop for the application. Should be set to WinSta0\\Default.
New: Configuration property:, to print gc logging to System.err
New: Configuration property: wrapper.filter.missing.autostop.<n>. Default true. If set to false the trigger will remain active after the trigger has been activated, resulting in continuous trigger monitoring.
Change: use commons EnvironmentConfiguration to resolve environment variables in configuration -> correct handling of case under windows.
Change: systemInformation().totalRAM() hangs on some machines -> avoid invocation if configuration does not require RAM calculation
Change: win64: got Process.getCommandline to work so we do not need to call wmi.
Change: do not replace "\\" by "/" in environment variables.
Change: newest jna and groovy libraries.

Posted by rzo 2011-06-26

yajsw-beta-10.7 released

this is mainly a bug release with new properties for monitoring dead locks and heap of java applications.

Posted by rzo 2011-05-21

yajsw-beta-10.6 released

this is a bug release solving urgent issues in 10.5

Posted by rzo 2011-03-19

yajsw-beta-10.5 release


This release is dedicated to "My Blind Tunes"[], my kids' first android app. Please support them by downloading the app and if you like it by giving them 5 stars rating. Thanks !

New: logging format: added 'N' option -> display application name.
New: one wrapper/service multiple processes: java -jar wrapper.jar -c conf/p1.conf conf/p2.conf. Service name is taken from the first configuration.
New: maxStartup.gv sample script to check that application reports startup within a timeout by printing a "started" messasge on the console.
New: sample for running eclipse equinox OSGI server with clean shutdown
New: maxDuration.gv sample script for checking that an application does not run longer than a given duration
New: gradle build script for yajsw
Change: Default logging format: LPNTM
Change: ahessian and srvmgr now in separate jars.
Change: reworked logging.
Change: reworked windows and
Change: reworked FileUtils moved windows specific code to package
Change: newest groovy and netty releases.
Bug: Windows 2008 handling of user credentials in service
Bug: groovy script initialization may cause memory leak if process is restarted often
Bug: Windows: Windows Services manager reports error when service stops
Bug: Environment variables are not set in application
Bug: Linux: GenConfig: command line max 1024
Bug: Remove shutdown hooks to avoid memory leaks
Bug: In case is set, add the jar to the classpath

Posted by rzo 2011-03-06

YAJSW beta-10.2 released

this is a bug release.
It is highly recommended to switch to this release.

Posted by rzo 2010-04-12

YAJSW - beta-10.1 release

YAJSW - Yet Another Java Service Wrapper beta-10.1 has been released.
This is mainly a bug release.

Posted by rzo 2010-02-20

yajsw-alpha-9.5 released

this a mainly a bug release.
a new feature is support for starting the wrapper and application with java service wrapper .

Posted by rzo 2009-11-24

IdeaTorrent enabled


Hosted Apps/IdeaTorrent has been enabled for the YAJSW project.
Please use this instead Tracker/Feature Requests.

-- ron

Posted by rzo 2009-11-22

YAJSW alpha-9.4 released

This is mainly a bug release.
New feature is the ability to enter passwords through the console or system tray icon.

Posted by rzo 2009-09-19

YAJSW alpha 9.3 Released

yajsw-alpha-9.3 has been released.
this release solves some issues with remote network loading and with system tray icon.

Posted by rzo 2009-08-29

YAJSW - Yet Another Java Service Wrapper - 0.9.2 released

yajsw-alpha-9.2 has been released.
This is mainly a bug release

Posted by rzo 2009-08-20

yajsw-apha-9.1 released

yajsw-alpha-9.1 July 28 2009

* Bug: vfs-snapshot, configuration-snapshot jars built with jdk 1.6 instead of jdk 1.5
* Bug: [2828484]

Posted by rzo 2009-07-28

YAJSW - alpha 9.0 released

* New: enable platform dependent includes: include=${<system-prop>}.x.conf
* New: wrapper.restart.reload_configuration
* New: Experimental: support jnlp similar configuration: wrapper.codebase, wrapper.cache, wrapper.cache.local, wrapper.resource.<n>
* New: Support JNLP configuration
* New: support remote configuration file
* New: wrapper.startup.delay
* Bug: Windows: Handle leak on native application restart
* Bug: genConfig throws Exception when java command contains main args
* Bug: ubuntu 9.04-x86 crash in
* Bug: when wrapper.control = TIGHT, do not stop application on JVMMain.WRAPPER_MANAGER.restart()
* Bug: Windows: service requires long time to stop, since alpha-8.4
* Bug: Windows bat files
* Bug: Posix shell scripts
* Bug: Linux daemon script generation
* Change: genConfig: service name of java application: console title or main class name.

Posted by rzo 2009-07-28

YAJSW alpha-8.0 released

YAJSW makes installing windows services or posix daemons easy.

The current release is stable on win32, win64, Linux32 and Linux64.

This is an alpha release for FreeBSD32, FreeBSD64, Solaris 32, Mac Os X

Posted by rzo 2009-04-11