
Simulation of Urban MObility / News: Recent posts

version 0.23.0 released

Dear friends and colleagues,
we are happy and proud to announce the release of SUMO 0.23.0.
One major point of this release was the computation of a correct and
functional junction layout, so please rebuild your networks.
Furthermore, we fixed a lot of collision bugs and improved the
pedestrian handling. Some changes in the TraCI API (for instance
the addition of an interface for persons) let also the TraCI
version increment to 9.
There are a host of other changes which can all be found in the complete
changelog read more

Posted by Jakob Erdmann 2015-04-13

version 0.21.0 released

Dear friends and colleagues,
we proudly present the latest release of SUMO.

The major enhancements include:

) Support for pedestrian dynamics:
Integrated into the previously existing inter-modality model, pedestrians may now have own lanes and use a variable dynamics model to move. Uncontrolled as well as controlled crossings are supported and tools from the suite (mainly netconvert) have been extended to support the new structures accordingly. More information can be found at
) Support for Amitran file exchange formats:
The Amitran project defined a set of exchange formats for road networks, O/D-matrices, vehicular trajectories, and network states. These file types are now supported by the sumo applications.... read more

Posted by Jakob Erdmann 2014-06-12

version 0.19.0 released

Dear friends and colleagues,

we are happy to announce the latest release of SUMO.
Below is a list of the major changes since the previous release. You can
find the full list here.

  • Bugfixes

    • Simulation
      • fixed bug which caused vehicles to brake without good reason
      • flow on a highway will no longer come to standstill just to let vehicles from an on-ramp merge.
      • vehicles now manage to change to the necessary lanes much more often and thus avoid having to stop and block upstream traffic.
      • vehicles now use all lanes of a multi-lane roundabout instead of only the outer lane.
      • fixed several bugs which caused instantInductionLoops to miscount vehicles
      • fixed error in a car-following related formula which was causing collisions... read more
Posted by Jakob Erdmann 2013-12-02 Labels: free software programming release sumo

version 0.18.0 released

Dear friends and colleagues,

we announce the latest release of SUMO. Please note that all the documentation (including the bug tracker and the blog) is now on our new website The old wiki and trac accounts are no longer valid but the bug tracking has OpenID-Authentication enabled. If you need a new account please send a mail to

Major changes in this release include:... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2013-08-28

version 0.17.0 released

Dear friends and colleagues,
we proudly present the latest release of SUMO. Major changes in this
release include:

- added support for traffic-actuated traffic lights
- added support for microscopic calibrators. These trigger-type
objects can be used to increase or reduce traffic volume and to
regulate speeds at selected edges. Using calibrators it becomes
possible to calibrate a simulation according to known traffic
measurements (i.e. from real-life induction loops) without using
TraCI. For usage examples see the test suite at
- added a car following model which respects slope (kraussPS), your
network needs z-coordinates then... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2013-05-03

version 0.16.0 released

Dear friends and colleagues,
we proudly present the latest release of SUMO. Major changes in this
release include:
- additional routing algorithm (A*) for duarouter and sumo
- new vehicle type attributes for implementing speed distributions
(in particular for exceeding the lane speed limit)
- new output options (--fcd-output)
- optional xml schema validation (option -X)
- TraCI allows retrieving objects surrounding another object (context
- visualization upgrades (persons, railways, custom images)
- jpg and png support for windows
- random trip generation (via now handles through-traffic
- added python library for generic output parsing (sumolib.output)... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2012-12-04

SUMO 2013 Call for papers

SUMO 2013, The First SUMO User Conference

May 15 - 17, 2013 - Berlin, Germany


Call for Papers
The conference aims on exchanging experience in using SUMO, and presenting results or solutions obtained using the software. We expect a large variety of research topics and usage approaches. If you are doing a research project with SUMO and want to present your results please submit an abstract.... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2012-11-12

version 0.15.0 released

Dear colleagues, users, and friends,
a shiny new SUMO-release is here. One remark first. We removed a lot of deprecation warnings, so if your scenario does not work, please recheck with 0.14.0 whether it had deprecation warnings and fix them.

All available downloads can be found here:

The major changes are:
- work on intersection model
- fixing geometry issues in netconvert
- OSM import improved
- tutorials repaired... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2012-03-14

version 0.14.0 released

Dear colleagues, users, and friends,
A Happy New Year to all of you! As a special present, we bring a new release of your favorite traffic simulation package :-).
All available downloads can be found here:

Before announcing the changes, we would like to point your view on something different: SUMO is growing and while working on our own projects, we can hardly catch up with help and extension requests. We highly seek for some help, and no rocket science is needed. The following contributions would be nice:... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2012-01-11

version 0.13.1 released

Dear colleagues, users, and friends,

Please find a new release – 0.13.1 – on the web. All available downloads can be found here:

Before announcing the changes, we would like to point your view on something different: SUMO is growing and while working on our own projects, we can hardly catch up with help and extension requests. We highly seek for some help, and no rocket science is needed. The following contributions would be nice:... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2011-11-01

version 0.13.0 released

Dear friends and users,

today the new version 0.13.0 of Simulation of Urban Mobility
was released. The network format had a major rework, please use
netconvert or the tools/net/ script to update
your networks. Additonally all XML attributes were changed
to camelCaps (e.g.: departlane -> departLane). Warnings will be
issued about deprecated network and route definitions and you may
use tools/route/ to update your routes.... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2011-07-13

version 0.12.3 released

Dear friends and users,
a shiny new SUMO release is coming your way.
The main achievements of this release are
dfrouter and duarouter improvements.

For details see

Have fun,
Daniel, Jakob, Laura, and Michael

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2011-02-10

SUMO Workshop 2010 roundup

Dear all,

On 2010-11-11 and 2010-11-12, a first workshop on SUMO was held.
Please find below the slides shown during this time as well as a list
of participants. Please note that the slides are not very verbose as
they were meant to be the guideline for discussions. Thanks to the
participants, this aim was achieved.

The presentations are now online at read more

Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2010-12-08

Version 0.12.2 released

Dear friends and users,
it's release time again. The main achievements of this release are bug fixing and refactoring.

- arrivalpos, arrivalspeed and arrivallane parameters for vehicles
- bug fixes for persons (intermodality)
- XML schema for configuration files

For details see
and read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2010-12-07

Version 0.12.1 released

Dear friends and users,
a lot of bugfixes have accumulated and while we are still facing problems with lane changing and collisions, we decided to release a new version.
- OSM Importer
- api for stops
For details see
Together with the new SUMO-release we put out a new TAPASCologne version which works with the new release.... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2010-10-07

version 0.12.0 released

Dear colleagues, friends, all,

We want to inform you about a new SUMO release - 0.12.0.

The major change is the added possibility to simulate using time steps below 1s; this was achieved by a rework of the microsimulation loop and moving from floating point representation of time to integer milliseconds. As a result, the time steps are "clean" now - 0.1 seconds are 0.1 seconds (100ms in fact) and not a blurred floating point number.... read more

Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2010-05-27

version 0.11.0 released

Dear friends, dear users,

A new version of SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) - 0.11.0 - is available for downloading.

The major changes for this release are:
* many extensions to the TraCI interface
* new network and configuration format

A more complete list of changes is available at:

The changes in formats mean that you will need to rebuild your networks and configurations. We provide two python scripts to support this at tools/net/ and tools/ read more

Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2009-07-30

new tutorial on using TraCI for adaptive traffic lights

Dear friends, dear users,

please note our new tutorial which shows how to control traffic lights via an external application via TraCI at:

Any ideas or comments are welcome.


Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2009-03-30

version 0.10.3 released

Dear friends, dear users,

A new version - 0.10.3 - is available for downloading.

Releasing it has two major reasons:
* the request for using xerces 3.x - the support may be enabled using the configure script
* additional work has been put into the simulation of inner-junction areas

A more complete list of changes is available at: read more

Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2009-03-30

new 0.10.2 windows binary package

As the original package included a false version of the xerces library, we had to upload a new windows binary package for the 0.10.2. You may find it within the dowloads area as ""


Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2009-03-16

version 0.10.2 released

Dear friends, dear users,

We want to announce a new SUMO version - 0.10.2.

Again, most of the work concerned debugging and consolidation. Besides, the major changes are:
* noise and pollutant emission models based on Harmonoise/HBEFA
* a validated and tested TraCI, working on both Windows and Linux
* extension of the inner-junction traffic for dense situations
* debugging of interaction with rerouters and vss in GUISIM... read more

Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2009-03-13

version 0.10.1 released

this is our late night release which just fixes
a critical bug in collision handling which prevented a shiny start into the 0.10 season.

Daniel and Michael

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2009-01-13

version 0.10.0 released

Dear all,
the major changes for this release are:
* internal lanes are default (vehicles do not jump over junctions)
* changes in the route format ("edges" attribute)
* possibility to define route and vehicle type distributions

It may be necessary to rebuild your networks / routes.

Have fun,
Daniel and Michael

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2009-01-09

version 0.9.10 released

The new release solves several issues encountered in version 0.9.9. The main one is the improper handling of networks with internal edges which lets most of the enclosed examples prompt an error message.

In addition, the most important changes are:

- solving issues with bus stops (reported by Gerrit Lammert - thanks)

- patching problems with vehicles being black by default

- a change in the network format.... read more

Posted by Michael Behrisch 2008-09-16

version 0.9.9 released

Dear all,

we just released version 0.9.9.

The major changes are having TraCI enabled as default (including support for guisim), making SUMO buildable under Linux 64bit, and beginning implementing the Specification (

Have fun,
Michael & Daniel

Posted by Daniel Krajzewicz 2008-08-05