
phpGraphy / News: Recent posts

0.9.13b minor bug fix released

phpGraphy hasn't evolved much lately but our lifes have... and spare time has been highly reduced...

As I write these lines, oniryx has been father of a little boy for the second time, congratulations to him and his wife !

What so ever, we're still planning to release a 1.0 some day and this last 0.9.x release is a proof that we'll be. Forcoming changes in the dev repository will probably break the database compatibility that we where able to provide until then, so be careful for those that are the dev release !

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2008-06-25

phpGraphy - Where are we ?

Last news is kind of old but we're still there ! Actually, we've been enjoying a real summer break but are decided to get back to work asap. Firstly we'll try to work on the fixes of bugs that have been reported since the last stable is out and then the big step forward, phpGraphy 1.0 !

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2007-08-21

0.9.13a security fix release

While browsing using my favorite search engine, I came across an exploit for phpGraphy 0.9.12. After some investigation I came to the conclusion that this exploit uses was using a flaw in PHP itself not in phpGraphy, however the result is the same, people using phpGraphy along with unpatched PHP versions are vulnerable ! Please UPGRADE *asap* to the latest PHP and/or phpGraphy versions, this exploit is serious and might lead the attacker to gain control over your webserver.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2007-01-30

0.9.13 final released

I'm proud to announce phpGgraphy 0.9.13, the latest major number of the 0.9.x family. This version is a minor enhancement over the release candidate 1 but 0.9.12 users might want to have a closer look to see if there is any cool feature they want on their site like RSS feeds, video thumbnails etc.

We'll now be working on the next 1.0 release that should include a bunch of new exciting features like a search engine, statistics, etc. It'll also be the first phpGraphy release to break the database structure backward compatibility but evolution has a price !... read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2007-01-28

phpGraphy 0.9.13-rc1 released

After a long, long waiting period, we've finally made it, the first release candidate of the 0.9.13 release is out ! With this release come some new exiting features like RSS Feeds, Video Thumbnails, a "direct URLs" mode and much more. Please read the Changelog for the full list of changes.

Please report any bugs or weird behavior on our development site (

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2007-01-05

phpGraphy - Back on the track

Summer is now over, no more excuses not to code anymore :) Oniryx and I have finished to sort out the roadmap ( for the next release (0.9.13) - Main features are: RSS Flow for the lastcommented/toprated/lastadded pages, thumbnails for videos, ability to move/rename directories and files and internationalization of the error messages.

This release is going to be the last one before the 1.0 branch, basically before we make some changes to the database structure which is getting a bit old since there hasn't be any change on it since release 0.9.6 back in 2001 :)... read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-09-15

phpGraphy - Summer break

It has been a long time since the last post here, don't worry we're still alive but just taking a summer break. We'll go back into the code at the beginning of September with hopefully a new release soon after !

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-08-07

phpGraphy 0.9.12 stable released

After a long easter week-end full of chocolate, you can now enjoy the latest features of phpGraphy (Templates, Slideshow, Square thumbs) bundled along with this stable release. A security hole was also reported yesterday, it has been fixed in this release and ALL users are asked to upgrade ASAP ! To conclude, I would like to dedicate this release to Arthur, Oniryx's son which is born the 1st of April 2006, Long life to the King ! :)

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-04-17

phpGraphy 0.9.12-rc1 released

Wanna try the template system ? The slideshow mode ? Square thumbs ? Everybody is more than welcome to try this first release candidate of 0.9.12 - We *need* your help and feedback to confirm that it is stable and fully working. Please use the ticket system of the development site ( and not the Help forum as this is not a stable release.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-03-27

phpGraphy 0.9.12-rc1 coming soon !

It has been a long time since I didn't post any news here, for people that want to follow-up closer to the development process, don't forget our Development Site ( About the 0.9.12-rc1, it should be out before the end of the week, with as promised the expected template engine and also the slideshow mode. Stay tuned !

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-03-22

phpGraphy 0.9.11 stable released

Happy New Year ! In order to begin the new year in a good mood, you've to install this huge step forward in the history of phpGraphy, the 0.9.11 stable ! The first good reason is that it does address a security issue related to the internal security levels, but beside this, plenty of others reasons, you can now show your directories with a picture, the admin interface has been fully redesign, you can even edit your configuration via an interface. I hope you'll appreciate all thoses changes.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-01-04

phpGraphy 0.9.11-rc1 released

I'm pleased to annouce that phpGraphy release candidate 1 is now available for download. Please refer to the Changelog for a summary of changes. Note that it should passed stable within about a week. The documentation (included with the package) is still considered as a draft.

I'm looking forward for your feedback and comments.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-12-14

phpGraphy 0.9.11 - Just entered translation phase

The 0.9.11 release has just entered the translation phase, the RC1 will be out in 1 week time.

The 0.9.11 code is actually running on the demo website (, if you want to help with the translation or want to try the developement release, please visit the development website (

Also we're planning to organize an after release's party in January, it'll be based in London. More details will be given soon, but all people not living too far, if you already know that you would be interested to come, drop me an email to let me know !

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-12-05

phpGraphy 0.9.10a released

Time is running fast, the 0.9.11 is still not out, what are we doing ? Well, we're working on it, and pretty hard actually. We're not that far from the first release candidate, but I wanted to add one last feature to this release which is a brand new installation process, and also a new way of configuring phpGraphy. This should make life much more easier for new comers and when upgrading.

Good news also for non-english speakers, the installation will handle multiple languages (depending on the availability of translatators). By the way, if you're interested in giving a bit of your time to translate phpGraphy into another language, it's always welcome !... read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-10-18

phpGraphy - What's planned for 0.9.11

Just back from 3 weeks of holiday, it was nice to be far away from any electronic device (ok, except for my camera).

Start of september will be busy as I'm moving to another flat and will probably be without internet access for a few time but don't worry phpGraphy is still going forward. The 0.9.11 should include the following new features: Cover picture for directories, customizable number of rows/cols when in thumb mode, Slideshow mode and a last added pictures/directories page.... read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-08-25

phpGraphy 0.9.10 stable released

The first release candidate has just passed stable with minor bugfix. To summarize, the 0.9.10 include a brand new installation wizard, a users management interface, a lossless JPEG rotation support, XHTML 1.1 compliance, no more register_globals dependancy and a bunch of code improvements, especially regarding the security.

I would also take the opportunity to welcome oniryx within the development team.He is behind the users management interface in this release and we're already actively working on the next release, more info when I'm back from holidays.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-07-22

phpGraphy 0.9.10-rc1 released

Here it is, the long awaited 0.9.10 release, a bunch of news features are included like a proper installation process, user management interface, picture rotation, multiple upload via the web interface, 2 new languages (Spanish and Russian).
There is also a lot of changes inside the code, improved security checks, no more dependency on register_globals. Please have a look to the Changelog for the details. The official documentation is still for the stable version but as soon as this release become stable it will be updated.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-07-03

phpGraphy 0.9.9a released

This is a minor bugfix release also adding two new language files (German/Italian), see the Changelog for details. Those waiting for the new 0.9.10 release, it should soon be available for beta-testers and some time after as release candidate, I expect it to be available before half-June. Those interested by beta-testings, please contact me by email.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-05-21

phpGraphy - IRC channel available !

For all the people that may want to discuss about phpGraphy live, there's now an official IRC channel on the network. Come to visit us on #phpgraphy using !

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-05-09

phpGraphy - Some informations about the next release

No I'm not dead but I've been quiet busy and also without any Internet connection at home (thanks to Bulldog's efficency).

Anyway, I've worked on several things for the next release (0.9.10) which are mainly, a new error handler system, a user data input validation and also a support for register_globals to off. Thanks to oniryx, a user management interface is planned and probably some others cools features. No exact target date but end of may sounds good.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-04-26

phpGraphy 0.9.9 final released

This release is a big step forward from the previous stable release, a huge portion of the code has been rewritten, and the stylesheet now permits to customize almost everything without touching to the core, thus making it easier to upgrade.

The new features (since previous stable release) are the support of IPTC (with a great auto-import function), the ability to edit .welcome files online (ala Wiki) so that you can put an introduction text for each directory without having to prepare anything off-line and finally the possibility to recursively delete your directories using the interface. Check the changelog for details ( read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-03-22

phpGraphy 0.9.9-rc2 released

First I would like to thanks all of you which have send me an email or left a msg on the forum, your feedback is much appreciated and help me to correct bugs, and also decide which features are the most awaited.

This release contains bugfixes from rc1 but also a bit of code rewrite on the random picture & generate thumbnails functions which should now work on all platforms as it doesn't use a system call anymore.... read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-03-13

phpGraphy 0.9.9-rc1 released

Here it is, as promised ! After 1 month of hard work, the first release candidate of phpGraphy-0.9.9 is now available !

It's come with a bunch of new features and bug corrections, the error handling has been greatly improved, it should now be much easier to make it work even on restricted web servers.

Beside all this, there are mainly 3 hot new features, the ability to edit .welcome file online (ala Wiki), the handling of IPTC metadata (with auto-import of title) and the ability to recursively delete directories through the interface.... read more

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-03-02

phpGraphy 0.9.9-rc1 will be released this week

I know that some people can't wait to get this release but even with spending almost the whole week on it, the new website and the new manual, I've just finished everything right now.

The last smallest known bug has been removed, I still want to test it on differents platform a last time before the go live and if it's working... then I'll be very happy ! and I hope you as well :)

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-02-28

version 0.9.9 should be available within 2 weeks

Some lucky guys are already playing with a pre-release of version 0.9.9, my plan is to release it at the same time that the new website, this page just scarry most of people coming here, even without having given a try :)

Here is an overview of the new features:

- ITPC handling (auto-import the IPTC field of your choice as picture description, nice display of the IPTC fields of your choices)
- Rewrite of the EXIF function so it's as customisable as ITPC
- Added the ability to edit .welcome files online (like a Wiki)
- Added an option to recursively delete directories through the interface
- Rewrited the upload through the interface function, it will now work on most platforms
- Added copy from URL function
- Rewrite of a lot of code so it's now more efficient/compatible/customizable
- Some good suprises that you'll only discover once it's really out ;)

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2005-02-03