
phpGraphy - Back on the track

Summer is now over, no more excuses not to code anymore :) Oniryx and I have finished to sort out the roadmap ( for the next release (0.9.13) - Main features are: RSS Flow for the lastcommented/toprated/lastadded pages, thumbnails for videos, ability to move/rename directories and files and internationalization of the error messages.

This release is going to be the last one before the 1.0 branch, basically before we make some changes to the database structure which is getting a bit old since there hasn't be any change on it since release 0.9.6 back in 2001 :)

People that do want to help with the testing are more than welcome, meet us on irc, see our contact page for details.

Posted by JiM / aEGIS 2006-09-15

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