
#335 Create Polygon from Closed Area tool needs to transfer attributes from source linestring to the resulting polygon.


When using the 'Create Polygon from Closed Area' tool, the resulting(newly created) polygon does NOT inherit the 'attributes' of the respective linestring.

Ideally, all the attributes from the source linestring should copy over into the resulting polygon.



1 Attachments


Bugs: #335


  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2013-10-08

    Your request is difficult to achieve as surrounding lines may have different schemas and different values.
    Different schemas would be difficult to handle as attributes with same name may have different meaning or data types.
    Even different values is not that easy as you may want to let the user choice how values will be aggregated (sum, mean, concatenation).
    My opinion is that this task should be achieved by a dedicated tool. There are already a few candidates, but currently all have their limitation.
    - Tool > Analysis > Spatial join with attribute aggregation : unfortunately, it misses a "touch" operator, which should not be too hard to add
    - Extension > Analysis > Aggregation : there are a few more options, but unfortunately, still not the touches operator
    - Extention > matching : the only one which makes it possible to aggregate line features on the new area (use "linear intersection operator). However, I discovered a little bug in the user interface (aggregation is not proposed if the line layer has no String attribute)

    • Eric Jarvies

      Eric Jarvies - 2013-10-09

      I am referring to the tool that is available as an icon on the Toolbar... this tool/operation only does one polygon at a time(or such is the case on OS X), whereas the operation located in the Tools > Edit Geometry > Convert Selected Geometries/Layer to > Polygon takes and converts all closed linestring segments into polygons.

      In the case of the tool located on the Toolbox, as-is, it basically only outputs one feature on one layer, and it requires a closed linestring, or closed segments on the same layer, or on multiple layers. Thus, ideally, if the output/resulting polygon could inherit the attributes from the respective feature on the selected layer, then that would more then suffice. Make it so that the tool requires a specific column to be selected, and have a rule that requires the segments must contain the same value in the given column, otherwise the operation will not be allowed.

      It is much quicker and a lot easier to check/change attributes in a given layer for a given set of features, then it is to figure out what values belong to the newly created polygon wherein those values then need to be entered/added to that newly created feature.

      I will start playing around with the above suggested aggregation tools and see where it takes me... thanks for the advice.



  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2013-10-09

    Hi Eric,

    I see what you mean, but I still think that attribute transfer
    should be kept as a separate task because
    - most users don't need it (ex. they build a building block
    or a wood from a road network)
    - for those who need it, it may be tricky to set attribute
    transfer options (different schemas, different attribute types,
    different aggregation operator...)

    Moreover, I think that adding such a feature is not as easy as
    it may seem (the plugin uses the polygonizer which works on a
    set of pure geometries and the closed area never knows the
    "features" surronding it during the process). So that all the
    information has to be retrieved from adjacent tests.

    Finally, I cannot see the advantage of using this tool if you just
    want to convert closed linestrings to polygons. Anything wrong
    with "Convert Selected Geometries/Layer to > Polygon" ?


    I am referring to the tool that is available as an icon on the
    Toolbar... this tool/operation only does one polygon at a time(or
    such is the case on OS X), whereas the operation located in the *Tools

    Edit Geometry > Convert Selected Geometries/Layer to > Polygon*
    takes and converts all closed linestring segments into polygons.

    In the case of the tool located on the Toolbox, as-is, it basically
    only outputs one feature on one layer, and it requires a closed
    linestring, or closed segments on the same layer, or on multiple
    layers. Thus, ideally, if the output/resulting polygon could inherit
    the attributes from the respective feature on the selected layer,
    then that would more then suffice. Make it so that the tool requires a
    specific column to be selected, and have a rule that requires the
    segments must contain the same value in the given column, otherwise
    the operation will not be allowed.

    It is much quicker and a lot easier to check/change attributes in a
    given layer for a given set of features, then it is to figure out what
    values belong to the newly created polygon wherein those values then
    need to be entered/added to that newly created feature.

    I will start playing around with the above suggested aggregation tools
    and see where it takes me... thanks for the advice.



    [bugs:#335] Create
    Polygon from Closed Area tool needs to transfer attributes from source
    linestring to the resulting polygon.

    Status: open
    Labels: Create Polygon from Closed Area tool
    Created: Tue Oct 08, 2013 03:28 AM UTC by Eric Jarvies
    Last Updated: Tue Oct 08, 2013 05:45 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    When using the 'Create Polygon from Closed Area' tool, the
    resulting(newly created) polygon does NOT inherit the 'attributes' of
    the respective linestring.

    Ideally, all the attributes from the source linestring should copy
    over into the resulting polygon.



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    Bugs: #335

  • ede

    ede - 2013-10-10

    On 09.10.2013 22:38, Eric Jarvies wrote:

    whereas the operation located in the Tools > Edit Geometry > Convert Selected Geometries/Layer to > Polygon takes and converts all closed linestring segments into polygons.

    well, no. if you select geometries beforehand only these are modified.


  • Jukka Rahkonen

    Jukka Rahkonen - 2013-10-31

    Funny how differently we use OJ. I use this tool for building polygons into the empty spaces left between existing features and I have never even thought that attributes could be transferred because I have always many features with different attributes around the new polygon.

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2013-11-03
    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
    • assigned_to: michael michaud

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