
#3921 Go Language support

minor bug

Mac OSX 10.10.2 Jedit 5.2 Java 1.8.0_45

Go language supports creating a variable by assignment using the := operator. So, instead of:
var i int
i = 5
I can write:
i := 5

Unfortunately, this messes up indentation in Jedit. The statement is immediately shifted to the left hand margin, and after placing it where it belongs, Jedit automatically indents the next statement just like it does after an opening brace {.

This is a solid bug - happens all the time for me.

Thanx - Charlie


Bugs: #3921


  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2015-08-08
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Dale Anson
    • Charles M. Parker


      1) How do I update a ticket on SourceForge?

      2) The fix doesn’t seem to be part of the current Mac install bundle. How do I install or update to test the fix?

      Thanx - Charlie

      On Aug 8, 2015, at 10:37 AM, Dale Anson wrote:

      status: open --> closed-fixed
      assigned_to: Dale Anson
      I've applied the updated Go mode from feature request 496 http://https// which appears to fix this problem. If you can, please test and update this ticket accordingly.

      [bugs:#3921] Go Language support

      Status: closed-fixed
      Group: minor bug
      Created: Sun Jun 28, 2015 06:32 AM UTC by Charles M. Parker
      Last Updated: Sun Jun 28, 2015 06:32 AM UTC
      Owner: Dale Anson

      Mac OSX 10.10.2 Jedit 5.2 Java 1.8.0_45

      Go language supports creating a variable by assignment using the := operator. So, instead of:
      var i int
      i = 5
      I can write:
      i := 5

      Unfortunately, this messes up indentation in Jedit. The statement is immediately shifted to the left hand margin, and after placing it where it belongs, Jedit automatically indents the next statement just like it does after an opening brace {.

      This is a solid bug - happens all the time for me.

      Thanx - Charlie

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      Bugs: #3921

  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2015-08-08

    I've applied the updated Go mode from feature request 496 which appears to fix this problem. If you can, please test and update this ticket accordingly.

  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2015-08-08

    Charles, it appears that you did update the ticket, I can see your comment above. Usually you can just scroll to the bottom of the ticket ant there will be a place to enter a comment. There should also be an edit button at the top that lets you change things. I think since you entered the ticket in the first place, that gives you permission to edit also.

    The new mode is in SVN, it's not been distributed yet. You can get the new mode from here:

    To install it, and I'm guessing a little here since I don't have a Mac, go to your ~/.jedit/modes directory and replace your existing go.xml with the one you can get from the url above. If jEdit is running, it should pick it up automatically. If not, either restart jEdit, or use the Utilities - Troubleshooting - Reload Edit Modes menu item. I'd save a copy of the old one somewhere first just in case you want to put it back after testing the new one.

    • Charles M. Parker


      Sorry about the delay; I got distracted. Followed your instructions. Still doesn’t work. I deleted the old go.xml and replaced it; no change. I decided the go.xml packaged with Jedit was being used and not overridden with the copy in my modes directory. So replaced that one, and SUCCESS - it works:)



      On Aug 8, 2015, at 3:32 PM, Dale Anson wrote:

      Charles, it appears that you did update the ticket, I can see your comment above. Usually you can just scroll to the bottom of the ticket ant there will be a place to enter a comment. There should also be an edit button at the top that lets you change things. I think since you entered the ticket in the first place, that gives you permission to edit also.

      The new mode is in SVN, it's not been distributed yet. You can get the new mode from here:
      To install it, and I'm guessing a little here since I don't have a Mac, go to your ~/.jedit/modes directory and replace your existing go.xml with the one you can get from the url above. If jEdit is running, it should pick it up automatically. If not, either restart jEdit, or use the Utilities - Troubleshooting - Reload Edit Modes menu item. I'd save a copy of the old one somewhere first just in case you want to put it back after testing the new one.

      [bugs:#3921] Go Language support

      Status: closed-fixed
      Group: minor bug
      Created: Sun Jun 28, 2015 06:32 AM UTC by Charles M. Parker
      Last Updated: Sat Aug 08, 2015 02:37 PM UTC
      Owner: Dale Anson

      Mac OSX 10.10.2 Jedit 5.2 Java 1.8.0_45

      Go language supports creating a variable by assignment using the := operator. So, instead of:
      var i int
      i = 5
      I can write:
      i := 5

      Unfortunately, this messes up indentation in Jedit. The statement is immediately shifted to the left hand margin, and after placing it where it belongs, Jedit automatically indents the next statement just like it does after an opening brace {.

      This is a solid bug - happens all the time for me.

      Thanx - Charlie

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      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #3921

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