
#3841 doesn't find/use Java7 (OSX 10.9)

minor bug

Mac OS X 10.9
java -version
java version "1.7.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)
jEdit 5.1.0

Installed Plugins:
Common Controls
Mac OS X Support

How it happened:
I had another version of jEdit (I guess jEdit 4) and Java 6 before and my jEdit was working fine.

Then I installed Java 7 but when I tried to run the jEdit it brought up an alert saying it needs Java SE 6 to run!

I did some search in the net, and it seems that jEdit 4.5 (and I guess jEdit 5.1 too!) should not have any issue with Java 7, so I got rid of the old version, downloaded jEdit 5.1.0 and installed it. I expected that it should work and don't bring up that complain alert BUT it didn't work and brought up *To open "," you need a Java SE 6 runtime.* complain again, it offers to install Java 6 too and if I select *Not now* (because I need Java 7) it closes the application.

I still could run jEdit using this command, but I can't use Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V shortcuts for copy and paste!
java -jar /Applications/
the first time that I ran this command, it brought up plugin manager up and said some of plugins (including Mac OS X Support) needs to be updated, and so I updated them.

I don't think Activity log has any useful information in this case, because program is closed before it got started.


  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2013-11-04
    • summary: jEdit 5.1.0 complains about Java SE 6 --> doesn't find/use Java7 (OSX 10.9)
    • status: closed-duplicate --> open
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2013-11-04

    ok reopening the ticket.
    3563983 describes what happens on OSX 10.8
    this ticket describes what happens with OSX 10.9.
    When the Mac installer is replaced with a newer one, both issues will be resolved at the same time.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2013-12-07
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Siegfried GOESCHL

    Hi folks,

    this is related to the native Mac OS X native launcher which relies on the existence of Apple JDK. Starting with JDK 1.7 the Oracle JDK is used which uses different installation locations

    • I'm currently providing a native Mac OS X launcher for JSPWiki so I'm fighting the same project on a different project
    • When I have a solution I would like to contribute that to JEdit again


    Siegfried Goeschl


    Last edit: Siegfried GOESCHL 2014-03-13
  • Makarius

    Makarius - 2014-03-13

    See also where I've had a solution already last summer. Alan Ezust has applied most of that patch already, but some questions about the actual application launcher were still pending.

    In the meantime there might have been some updates on external application launcher projects -- I am presently not on latest versions of everything.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2014-03-13

    I am still using that app launcher, but it fails to find newer versions of Java 7 after updates, so I have to manually fix it up each time.

    I was hoping a better solution (one that can fix itself after a java upgrade) would manifest.

  • TheoS

    TheoS - 2014-05-18

    Would it not be a solution to use the same method that BlueJ ( uses, with the Oracle launcher stub and an included JDK inside the app?

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2014-05-18

    Here is a post from David DeHaven
    that was made to about the replacement for appbundler that oracle is using now:

    There is no separate project for the javapackager, it's part of OpenJFX. =
    The source is in rt/modules/fxpackager. If you want to build it you need =
    to follow the directions to build OpenJFX.

    If you just want to use it, it's been included in the JDK since JavaFX =
    was first cobundled with Java SE:

    The documentation is more or less here:

    Please note that these are all JavaFX 2.2 related and not current for 8, =
    which will be updated as there have been many changes recently.

    Also run javafxpackager on the command line for help or read the man =
    page included in the JDK.

  • Siegfried GOESCHL

    Hi folks,

    I got the native launcher for JDK 7 running on Mac OS and Windows for Apache JSPWiki and will provide a patch for Jedit

    Siegfried Goeschl

  • Björn Kautler

    Björn Kautler - 2014-05-26

    I fixed the AppBundle to correctly work with Oracle Java 7. This works with 5.2pre1.

  • Björn Kautler

    Björn Kautler - 2014-05-26
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Björn Kautler
    • Group: --> minor bug

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