
#88 Crash during Debug Expression

Version 1.x

Hi all,
I'm using your plug-in v.
with eclipse Version: Kepler Service Release 2
Build id: 20140224-0627
with Java version: 1.7.0_51 on a opensuse 13.1 x86.
Toolchain: GNU ARM toolchain gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q3
Debugging tool: J-link. develop an embedded firmware on a STM32F407.

While debbugging, Eclipse crashes suddendly when I put mouse pointer on Expression window. Here I try to watch several "big" structures data type ( 82 byte each ). Eclipse crashes only in the second debug session after launch: during first debug session it does not crashes.
Please help me... this is becoming frustrating.


1 Attachments


Support requests: #88


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  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Liviu Ionescu (ilg)
  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    my debug plug-ins have little to do with the debug session itself, it just starts the server before the client.

    the only idea I have is to try the latest beta, available from updates-test.

    if you want more help, you need to completely describe your setup and how to reproduce the problem.


    Last edit: Liviu Ionescu (ilg) 2014-12-10
  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-10

    ok, another Eclipse issue.
    With Luna was a nightmare... with Kepler this is the only issue met.

    Is there any log file useful to understand where and how Eclipse fails?



    Last edit: Stefano 2014-12-10
  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    a completely refurbished version of the j-link plug-in is now available from updates-test?

    could you test if it makes any difference for your project?

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    Ok, I'll test shortly.


  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    Unfortunately after the second debug session Eclipse is crashed.
    After that I have restarted Eclipse but J-linK does not work properly (see attachment)


  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    hmmm... did you do what the message box suggests? (to check the console?)

    the server cannot connect to the j-link, probably because the j-link is 'dead'.

    in these cases you need to power cycle the j-link, otherwise it'll no longer respond to the GDB server.

    the question is what version of J-Link you use, since normally it resets automatically.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    If I detach and reconnect my Jlink debugger it works again.
    In addition, like latest version, Eclipse crashes even if I do not start CPU, just only putting my mouse pointer on Expression Window.

    If you need more information ask me!


  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    what type/version of J-Link do you use?

    Eclipse crashes even if I do not start CPU

    this is really unusual.

    could you test on a fresh Eclipse, with no other plug-ins installed, in a fresh workspace, with a blinky project generated by the template, if the problem persists? if so, please document all steps you did, so I can reproduce them?

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.92 Command Line Version
    JLinkARM.dll V4.92 (DLL compiled Sep 30 2014 09:34:24)

    J-Link ARM V8 compiled Sep 22 2014 23:26:43
    Hardware: V8.00

    • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

      J-Link ARM V8

      I could not find this in the Segger product list, is it J-Trace ARM or J-Link Lite ARM? or it is not a genuine SEGGER probe?

    • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)


      please use the latest Segger version.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    --could you test on a fresh Eclipse

    I'm still using a fresh version of Kepler with no other plugins intalled and a new workspace.
    Eclipse Kepler is installed on a local directory.
    Instead Luna version is already installed in my system and uses another workspace.

    I'll try to generate new blinky project soon.


    • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

      I'm still using a fresh version of Kepler with

      if you already created projects that crashed, this is not a fresh Eclipse.

      fresh means it was never used for anything else. please use latest segger software, a fresh eclipse (Kepler or Luna), a fresh workspace and a new F4 template project, and document all steps, so I can reproduce them.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    I have an original JLink edu debugger:
    Here there is an example window of Jlink commander with a V8.00 Hardware:

    Installed new version of JlinkGDBDebugger:

    JLinkARM.dll V4.94i (DLL compiled Dec 8 2014 18:58:28)

    -----GDB Server start settings-----
    GDBInit file: none
    GDB Server Listening port: 2331
    SWO raw output listening port: 2332
    Terminal I/O port: 2333
    Accept remote connection: yes
    Generate logfile: off
    Verify download: off
    Init regs on start: on
    Silent mode: off
    Single run mode: off
    Target connection timeout: 5000 ms
    ------J-Link related settings------
    J-Link Host interface: USB
    J-Link script: none
    J-Link settings file: none
    ------Target related settings------
    Target device: unspecified
    Target interface: JTAG
    Target interface speed: 1000kHz
    Target endian: little

    Connecting to J-Link...
    J-Link is connected.
    Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 28 2014 13:44:46
    Hardware: V8.00
    S/N: 268006870
    Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB
    Checking target voltage...
    Target voltage: 3.29 V
    Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
    Connecting to target...
    J-Link found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 9
    JTAG ID: 0x4BA00477 (Cortex-M4)
    Connected to target
    Waiting for GDB connection...

    NOW WORKS BETTER: only one crash over ten debug-stop cycles!
    Soon I'll try to generate a fresh blinky project.


  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)


    this definitely has to do with the position of the planets ;-)

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-19

    I have to remind myself to mantain software update. ;-)

    Now seems there is a timeout issue: if I leave untouch Eclipse for some minutes ( for example because I'm writing to you ), when I return on Eclipse and I put my arrow on Expressions... puff, it crashes.

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    I followed your steps on two different Eclipse (Kepler SR2 & Luna SR1 on my Mac), I did up to 10 loops, and the Expressions view is ok, it turns yellow where needed, without any crashes.

    I'm afraid you have a system problem there, most probably a Java problem affecting your distribution/version of Linux.

    I would first suggest an update to the latest linux/java/eclipse/gcc/gdb/etc versions. If it still crashes, if you have a different system available, even a virtual machine, it would be interesting to try the same configuration.

    • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

      update to the latest linux/java/eclipse/gcc/gdb/etc

      if you have your reasons not to update your main machine, I suggest you install a virtual machine with opensuse 13.2, java 8, Luna SR1, GCC 4.9 and retry the test.

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    if I leave untouch Eclipse for some minutes...

    this sounds like a return from sleep problem; try to temporarily disable it.

    I don't know if this can be the case, but in the past the j-link software had some problems to return from sleep, the probe itself was dead, and the drivers were in an inconsistent state, requiring to disconnect/reconnect the probe to bring it back to life.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-24

    Yes, it could be a java/system issue.

    Thanks Liviu, I'll try to solve it in this direction.

    Merry Christmas!

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    it could be a java/system issue

    or even a hardware problem, for example due to some overclocking.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2014-12-24

    no overclocking on my cpus! ;-)

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    any progress with this?

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