
DrPython / News: Recent posts

New Plugin FileExplorer

I have created a very simple File Explorer Plugin for the side Panel with the wx.GenericDirCtrl. When opening, it jumps per default to the file (the directory) of the currently activated Document.

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2010-11-30

new Project member

We have a new project member, Blackjack. Thank you for joining us. ;)

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2010-08-29

DrPython 3.11.0

As a wish from Dan, I changed the numbering of the versions. Last was 1.65 and now, the new numbering system is actually the old one. There are some fixes/new preferences. please see the changelog.txt file.

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2008-02-25

DrPython 165

This release is in first place a bug fix release.

Unicode related stuff has been reworked.

Linux related things were also tested, fixed and reworked.

Some tweaks in the code and some nice little improvements
as Search in Class Browser or use icons/no icons in it.

It should run with wxPython 2.6 upwards
and also with ansi/unicode and linux/ win32 build.

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2007-04-08

DrPython 1.65 Snapshot

Hello, I changed quite a lot of things.
Noteable is the directory structure, trying to get
wxPython 2.8 working smoothly and reducing linux incosistencies
compared to windows.

I downloaded my local DrPytohn into the snapshot,
maybe it is useful.

I'm aware, there can be several or a lot of bugs, please report them.


Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2007-03-05

DrPython 1.64

please see in procet notes for changes.
Main goal for that release was, running on Windows and Linux on latest wxPython Version Unicode.
It is a while since the last version come out.
Now I have more time again, so next version should come in a few weeks again.
I would be curious about running on Linux and please report possible bugs to the bug tracker and /or event better possible bug fixing.... read more

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2007-02-05

svn repository created

Hello, since now, there is a svn repository.
I left the cvs untouched (wish of Daniel).
All users, which want to become developers are
invited to modify files. Please also update changelog.txt, when you commit
the files.

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2006-12-28

DrPython 162

I'm very glad to continue the maintainance in the mean time.
DrPython currrently is not actively developed, I (Franz Steinhaeusler) only
strive to make bug fixes.
This new version should work with wxPython 2.7 and 2.8.
Please don't hesitate to report possible bugs.
Thank you and thank you Dan.

Posted by Franz Steinhaeusler 2006-11-21

DrPython 3.10.0 Released

The interface has been reworked:
There are now multiple prompts.
The prompt and side panels are attached to the frame itself, rather than each document.
Also, a rather big encoding bug has been fixed (DrPython now decodes properly too!)
There is a new about dialog, and new wx events for plugins to utilize. The margin width for line numbers in the document is now calculated automatically. Also fixed an annoying shortcuts bug.
More changes, bugfixes in the changelog.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2005-02-10

DrPython 3.9.0 Released

The preferences directory is now in the environment variable 'APPDATA' by default (windows only). Also, the program directory is used by default for the prefs directory if the user's home directory will not work.

Preferences now mimics a dictionary (no longer uses 'exec' to rerad/write/copy/reset preferences). Open Import Module Dialog reworked to be easier to navigate. Added Source Browser Go To Dialog. Find/Replace now works in the Prompt. You can now import/export plugins, preferences, drscripts to/from zip files.... read more

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2005-01-17

DrPython 3.8.2, Windows Installer, Etc.

3.8.x brings Go To Block functions, additional functionality for plugins, and numerous bugfixes and tweaks, as well as a few more preferences.

There is also a windows installer (linked on the home page).

You can now download the source for the entire website, or just the plugin list generator.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2005-01-02

DrPython 3.7.0 released

DrPython is a highly customizable cross-platform ide to aid programming in Python. It was developed with teaching in mind, and has a clean, simple interface. It is written in Python, using wxPython as the gui.

I added Optional Text Drag and Drop (Thanks Robin Dunn), and finally nailed the encoding bug (swedish character display). The Plugin List is now updated from the website, so version number do not need to be updated by developers. The Prefs dialog has gone through a lot of under the hood work, plus some visible changes (no more icons, so accessing each page is faster). Plus windows shortcuts are supported on linux, although you may need to enter a little info first, so drpython knows how your windows partitions are mounted in linux. Also auto refresh for the source browser on save is now an option, plus a few other tweaks and a minor bugfix in the file dialog.... read more

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-11-30

3.6.0 Released

Plugin Installing has been updated. Now you can install from py (the old way), from a local zip file, or from sourceforge. distutils support has been added by Radoslaw. Find has been overhauled (start/end of document behaviour). A fatal stc assert error has been worked around. Plus a lot of bugfixes and other additions.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-10-19

DrPython 3.5.0 Released

Bugfixes, Speed enhancements in Open, Indentation Type Status, you can now split text, among other nifty things.

Plugins that use Panels need to be updated. So far SimplDebugger, FindAll, and Codemarks have been updated (check the forums for other plugins). Also, encoding support has been moved to a plugin.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-09-23

DrPython 3.4.0

3.4.0 is out. There is a new File Dialog, and loads of interface improvements and tweaks (Improved Preferences Dialog, access to Plugin Documentation and Preferences, a Documents Menu). Plus I fixed some bugs.

SimpleDebugger and DocBookmarks users will need to upgrade to the latest version of the plugin.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-08-26

DrPython Mac Bug Fixed

DrPython 3.3.2 is out, and thanks to the help of Dominique Buenzli, the Mac Display bug has been fixed.

Lots of other changes/bugfixes as well.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-08-08

DrPython 3.3.0 released

DrPython is a highly customizable cross-platform ide to aid programming in Python. It was developed with teaching in mind, and has a clean, simple interface. It is written in Python, using wxPython as the gui.

Lots of work has been done, reworked several dialogs, tweaked the interface (now shows overtype, indentation informationin statusbar), and plugins (automatic install/uninstall scripts), and the toolbar (add drscripts, plugins, customize specific icons), and important bugfixes in find/replace, keyboard shortcuts, in general.... read more

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-08-05

DrPython 3.2.0, Two New Developers

3.2.0 is out, with some major bugfixin in find/replace (with much thanks to Franz), plus you can now set all STC commands in shortcuts, and add them to the pop up menu. Plus lots of tweaks and bugfixes.

Two new developers joined (Nathan and Tom), and are churning out plugins. I highly suggest downloading them, they are tasty and nutritious.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-07-21

DrPython 3.1.0 released

DrPython is a highly customizable cross-platform ide to aid programming in Python. It was developed with teaching in mind, and has a clean, simple interface. It is written in Python, using wxPython as the gui.

Made some changes to the menu, DrScripts can now be added to the Pop Up Menu, and organized in Folders. Lots of under the hood changes and bugfixes, including Find History and a new Scrolled Message Dialog that closes on <ENTER>.... read more

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-07-13

3.0.8, New Developer, and Mac Issues

3.0.8 is out, minor bugfixes. A new developer has joined (woot!).

There are some strange things going on with DrPython 3.x and Mac OS X. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

It seems that the linux and mac versions of wxPython have some "issues".
Now, wxPython is an AWESOME library, but these issues mean that 4.2.6 (which works with wxPython 2.4.x) may be the only stable option.... read more

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-07-06

DrPython 3.0.2

3.0.2 is out, with a major bugfix (thanks for the report Thomas Klinger). DrPython now... wait for it... launches! (It was a very silly thing for me not to check, but now it works). Enjoy!

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-06-15

DrPython 3.0.0 Released

Lots of interface changes and bug fixes. The big changes are:

Now requires wxPython and Python 2.3 or higher.
Also added plugin support.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-06-15

The Dr waxes Political

Folks, the thought of people supporting or not supporting software over presidential politics is somewhat disturbing. Developers are people, and hence have opinions and beliefs. If you find yourself disagreeing, ENGAGE IN DISCOURSE.

Open Source is the product of a social movement, and of very particular politics. A politics of community.
A politics that values the voluntary sharing of code and expertise. Trying to striop away poltics from developers is a reprehensible public act that says you don't support freedom of political expression.... read more

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-04-24

Call for Scripts

This is a call to python programmers to submit useful/fun DrScripts to use in DrPython.

A DrScript is a small script that accesses the internals of DrPython. See the in program documentation for more details.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-04-16

DrPython and Moolah

Ohh, look below:

A post about giving. Tis the season!
And the tidy sum of one dollar shalt bringeth light
to the eyes of the afflicted!

And a "WOOT" to the mouths of the hungry.

And a pompous umbrella to the hands of the programmer.

Posted by Daniel Pozmanter 2004-04-16