Hosted Apps Migration: Update

By Community Team

Two weeks ago, we sent out email, and a blog post, regarding the retirement of Hosted Apps on the SourceForge website. We’ve received quite a few questions about this, so we’d like to clarify a few points.

What are Hosted Apps?

SourceForge provides hosting for projects. This hosting includes a variety of features, including download service, listing in our project directory, web hosting service, and a specific application service we call “Hosted Apps”.

The Hosted Apps service consists of SourceForge-managed instances of: WordPress, Trac, phpBB, MediaWiki, Piwik, Dotproject, a URL shortener, MantisBT, Gallery, IdeaTorrent, CodeStriker, TaskFreak!, phpWebSite, AN Guestbook, LimeSurvey and Laconica.

What is changing?

We are preparing to discontinue the Hosted Apps service. We had originally slated this to happen on September 1st. We are electing to delay this service shutdown to later in 2012Q4.

No other portion of the SourceForge offering is being discontinued. We’ll continue hosting your project, providing SCM, downloads, project web, mailing list, ticketing, forum, wiki, and directory listing services as we do today. Only the Hosted Apps portion of our offering is being discontinued.

Before shutdown, we are hoping for projects to deploy apps they wish to keep to our project web service, which is not being shut down. To support these migrations, we’ll handle integration (package deployment), OpenID (SourceForge accounts for auth), migration docs, and handoff backups for all projects.

Work is in-progress on OpenID now (~July). We’ll then assist with package deployment and documentation to support migration of these applications to the project web service (~August).

Pending completion of all necessary dependencies (~August/September), we intend to provide a month for projects to complete their migrations. We’ll keep you posted on the exact timeline. If you have concerns at that point, we’ll provide you support in the process.

How can I help?

A list of the Hosted Apps enabled for your projects may be found at:

1. Please check the above page. If you have apps that are not in use, please disable them. Note that disabled apps cannot be re-enabled.

2. Keep an eye out for further timeline updates. Once migration instructions, OpenID and all package dependencies are handled, we’ll be in touch.

3. Contribute to the migration documentation. If you have experience deploying any of these applications in our Project web space, we’d appreciate help with our documentation efforts.

The migration documents and timeline are maintained here:

I need more help!

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

2 Responses

  1. Hosted App are really outstanding service, if it will shut down then is it possible to get service like previous  from ? Thanks for the instruction to get apps i will visit that for some work.

  2. […] Last week we sent out a mailing to those of you who would be directly affected by this change. If you missed that, or are in any way confused about what we’re doing, we’ve posted that clarification to our blog, at […]