
Yapsy / News: Recent posts

Development moving to github.

Development for Yapsy >=2.0.0, the version that supports Python >=3 will be entirely on github from now on.


Posted by Thibauld Nion 2023-03-26

New release of Yapsy 1.11.223

Just a version bump with nothing else to fix the versioning mess with pip and the tar.gz filename

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2015-06-25

New bugfix release Yapsy 1.11.123

This is an minor bug fix release for yapsy:

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2015-05-08

New feature release for Yapsy 1.11.023

This release brings one new feature:

Plugins can live in their own separate processes thanks to a contribution pylanglois (see the documentation at

There was also a fair amount of cleanup, the biggest of all being the definite merge of the Python3 and 2 branches thanks to delijati.

In details:

  • [contrib] Allow plugins to be run in separate process (
  • [contrib + bugfix] Merge Python2 and Python3 branch With Flask fix (
  • [contrib] Sets error if it fails to construct the object (
  • [bug-fix] PluginManagerDecorator.init defines a list and dict as default values in its arg list (
  • [bug-fix] VersionedPluginManager needs to call _prepareAttic after setCategoriesFilter (
  • [bug-fix] superfluous shebangs ( read more
Posted by Thibauld Nion 2015-04-05

New release Yapsy 1.10.423

Another minor release for yapsy with:

It seems fair to dedicate this release to Nikola project ( that uses yapsy and whose team is at the origin of 100% of the changes in yapy (ok 100% of 2 is not so impressive, but anyway it's nice to have such user feedback).... read more

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2014-06-07

New release Yapsy 1.10.323

This is an minor bug fix release for yapsy:

Also note that yapsy still follows its new PEP440 compliant version scheme: 1.10.323 is the successor to 1.10.223 which was equivalent to 1.10.2.... read more

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2014-03-23

New Release Yapsy 1.10.223

This release is strictly equivalent to the 1.10.2 release code-wise.

It consists only in a version name change to comply with PEP440 and resolve pip install problems.

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2013-12-06

New release: Yapsy 1.10.2 !

This is an minor bug fix release for yapsy:

  • fix compatibility with Python2.5
  • fix failing ill-written tests (thanks agustinhenze for the patch)
  • fix deprecated method usages on Python3

Last but not least yapsy now benefits from two great services:

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2013-05-22

New release: Yapsy 1.10.1 !

This is an important bug fix release for yapsy, fixing:

  • unicode problem in the PluginFileLocator for the python2 version of yapsy
  • lack of information on plugin load error on the python3 version of yapsy
  • lack of documenation on the plugin class detection caveats

As a side note, Yapsy is now included as a package in major distros (Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu) and used by developers that favor other tools than hg+sourceforge.... read more

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2013-01-13

New release: Yapsy 1.10 !

A new version of yapsy has just been released with new features and a better documentation.

The main changes are:

  • the new "plugin locators" enables you to customize the detection of plugins.
    • You're no longer forced to use a "plugin info" text file along with your plugin's sources !
    • you can describe, locate and fetch your plugin the way you want !
  • allow a same plugin to belong to several categories per plugin
  • improve logging and use a named logger specific to yapsy
  • allow calling code to get detailed information on plugin load error via a callback
  • store extra info to plug-in as a configparser instance stored in PluginInfo.details
  • improve the doc with an advice/troubleshooting page and links to external tutorials... read more
Posted by Thibauld Nion 2012-12-18

Change in the source package

Yapsy's source package has just changed here on sourceforge and on

This new package is called: Yapsy-1.9.2-pythons2n3.tar.gz

It's the same version of Yapsy, but now the code for python2 and python3 are delivered together in a same package. The right version of the code is selected at installation time.

This should put an end to the various "bug" reports I got about apparent incompatibilities with python2, that were only due to the wrong package being downloaded (even by automatic tools like pip etc). ... read more

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2012-11-02

Yapsy's forge upgraded and repo address changed !

A news mainly for people using yapsy's sources directly (doing clones etc): I've just upgraded yapsy's forge to the new version offered by

During this process, the repository's address has changed, it is now:

hg clone yapsy-code

Please check the "code" tab on yapsy's project page for more details.

On a brighter side, the new version of the tracker should be more usable (and if sourceforge ever removes the clumsy new icons this will be a net improvement).

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2012-10-01

Minor release for Yapsy (python 2 and 3)

Yapsy-1.9.2 has just been release.

No changes in yapsy itself though, but in the packaging only !

It seems that the missing test data has caused some pb in gentoo packaging system that was unable to test yapsy during the installation procedure.

Anyway this should be fixed now and this release is also the occasion to remind every yapsy would-be user, that this library exists in two versions:

  • python 2.x (>2.3) version (the default download on )
  • python 3 (>3.2) version (the default download on )... read more
Posted by Thibauld Nion 2012-07-15

Test failures in packaged sources

Some test files are missing from the tar.gz and .zip archives of the latest release (Yapsy-1.9) which causes tests to fail if one tries to launch them from these packages.

However the tests are ok if you get the sources from the mercurial repository at the tag corresponding to Yapsy-1.9

This might have led some to believe that yapsy was in a poorer state quality-wise than it actually is.

Sorry for the inconvenience.... read more

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2012-04-07

New Release: Yapsy 1.9 !

A bit more than one year after the latest release, another version of Yapsy is out !

And don't miss the big news: there is now a python3 compatible version of yapsy.

Major changes:

  • ability to load zipped plugins

  • a separate development branch has been created where the focus is on the compatibility with python3

  • no more SVN repository (as advertised last year it wasn't kept in sync with the Mercurial repository, and it is now officially dead)... read more

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2011-12-23

New Release: Yapsy 1.8 !

This new release of Yapsy should not break any compatility with previous version, though it sports a lot of changes.

Major changes:

  • the documentation has been refactored and should now go "straight to the point"
  • new commers will quickly see how to use and tweak yapsy
  • the design details are still provided on secondary pages, closer to the code

  • the source control is now performed by Mercurial

  • this is an improvement per-se as it simplifies branching and tagging
  • it's also more in agreement with yapsy's philosphy: don't hesitate to consider yapsy as the code base for your own plugin system, and feel free to fork !... read more
Posted by Thibauld Nion 2010-09-26

Migration to Mercurial

Along with several small (but important changes) yapsy is being migrated from subversion to mercurial.

No more new code will be commited on the subversion repository, please check the Code->Mercurial section in the project's page on SourceForge for instruction on how to access the newest code.

WARNING: The subversion repository will be phased out in the upcomming weeks !

This is more in adequacy with the "role" intented for yapsy as a code base for plugin system: people are encourage to clone/fork the project to adapt it to their needs.

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2010-09-26

New release and API break

A new version of Yapsy has just been released (v1.7).

WARNING: there is an API break in the [de]activatePluginByName and getPluginByName methods (see bug#1828189) !

Apart from that a new manager has been created and small improvements to the plugin loading mechanism have been made.

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2008-04-09


Yapsy uses the easy_install/setuptools toolset to be build and released.

While all the development is hosted here on, that's not the case for all the releases.

We provide here only a release of the sources of yapsy.

For an easier installation, yapsy can also be dowloaded as an .egg file from the Python Package Index at the following adress:

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2007-11-10

Major update !

Previous version of Yapsy (1.5) had a major flaw in the implementation of the ConfigurablePluginManager, that simply did not work !

The problem has been corrected in this new release. Feel free to get/update yapsy newest version: 1.6

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2007-11-10

Yapsy's new home

Version 1.5 has just been released from yapsy's new home.

Started as a subproject of mathbench, yapsy has grown to be useful to other projects like peppy (at

For this new release, yapsy has been improved through many suggestions of peepy's author (Rob McMullen) but has also been made easier to integrate with your system for instance by using the "Easy Install" framework.

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2007-11-03