
New release: Yapsy 1.10 !

A new version of yapsy has just been released with new features and a better documentation.

The main changes are:

  • the new "plugin locators" enables you to customize the detection of plugins.
    • You're no longer forced to use a "plugin info" text file along with your plugin's sources !
    • you can describe, locate and fetch your plugin the way you want !
  • allow a same plugin to belong to several categories per plugin
  • improve logging and use a named logger specific to yapsy
  • allow calling code to get detailed information on plugin load error via a callback
  • store extra info to plug-in as a configparser instance stored in PluginInfo.details
  • improve the doc with an advice/troubleshooting page and links to external tutorials

NOTE: a lot of methods have been deprecated but kept for backward compatibility. If your project already uses yapsy everything should work the same (if not fill a bug or support request). However if your project is on a critical phase, you may want to wait a little before using this new yapsy version :)

This new version benefitted from a lot of great contributions and suggestions.

Special thanks to the main code contributors for this release:

  • Mathieu Havel
  • Mathieu Clabaut
  • Mark Fickett

REMINDER: for people maintaining git or hg repos in sync with yapsy's main repo: the URL has changed since October and is now:

Last but not least, it seems that yapsy is used in more and more projects, the latest ones I know about being:

Feel free to tell me if you're using yapsy in your project !

Posted by Thibauld Nion 2012-12-18

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