
#2179 In Generate Patch, typed-in Context is not applied

F. Eugene

In the Tools, Generate Patch dialog, typing a value into the Context field does not seem to have any effect. I was typing in 1000 and then looking at the generated diff and it was coming out with zero lines of context. If I use the mouse or arrow keys to select an item from the drop-down list, then it takes effect. (Another consequence of this bug is that you cannot use a number for the context unless that number has been used before, so the first time you enter any "new" context number, it will have no effect; you can type in a number, and the drop-down will remember that number for NEXT time, but it won't apply that number THIS time.)

Using version Unicode. I went to Help, Configuration and got an error message: "[Red X] Cannot open file: \myworkcompany\fileshares\Users\me\WinMerge\WinMerge.txt\n\nThe operation completed successfully." I am running WinMerge from a network location, but not that one (it's more like "\myworkcompany\fileshares\Users\me\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge-2.14.0-exe"). It MAY be the case that I had originally "installed" WinMerge to the location indicated by that error message, but I don't think so (it's been several months).

Hope this helps. Let me know if there's somewhere I can dig on disk for this configuration file, or some other way I might get it, or if there's any other info I can gather for you. Thank you for this fabulous tool.


  • Takashi Sawanaka

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Takashi Sawanaka
    • Group: Branch --> Trunk

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