
#1651 Conflict: reopening files (multiple compare windows)


This bug exist at least in WinMerge 2.6.14 stable and in 2.6.12 stable (I did not checked other versions).

The Problem: When "Enable multiple compare windows for" "File compare" is checked, it is possible unintentionally to reopen (in the same WinMerge instance) an already open couple of files. It must NOT be allowed. The casual concurrent editing of one and the same couple of files (despite it is done by one and the same person) brings the unacceptable risk of data loss. Such a data corruption could be a rare event, but easily could left unnoticed for a long time.
(Yesterday I suddenly found out I'm merging a two separate instances of a couple of files. I didn't loss any data this time, but if I was in a hurry finishing work, I easily could overlook that I'm going to save a couple of files twice.)

The Solution: Instead, the existing file-compare window must be selected. (An warning window "Files already open" could be risen too, however it seems pointless.)

P.S. If for any reason one is to intentionally reopen the same files, they could do it by running a second WinMerge instance ("Allow only one instance to run" should not be checked then).


  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2008-01-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I disagree about allowing open the same files in multiple windows. Sometimes it is handy to have same files open in two or more windows and look different places of files in different windows.

    But of course the danger you present (losing data/work) is there, and we must consider that too.

  • Dimitar Nedelchev

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    You're right.
    For me would be fine if all but one identical file couples' are read-only. In that case I rather would prefer to open the same files again within the same WinMerge instance than within a separate window (WinMerge or other editor).

    P.S. I also use to open the same files in more than one window, but it is usually one WinMerge window and another editor (Notepad++, the workbench's editor etc.). Sometimes I do it using two WinMerge instances, but it seemed to me too confusing to have them all in the same WinMerge instance (since now:)).

  • Dimitar Nedelchev

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I'd like to say "till now"

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2008-01-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    > For me would be fine if all but one identical file couples' are read-only.

    I like that idea! Only problem is files aren't necessarily easy always to identify as the same. One can use links, different mapping paths, absolute/relative paths etc to point to same file.

    Maybe just handling the simplest case (identical paths) would be enough in most cases.

  • Dimitar Nedelchev

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    > Maybe just handling the simplest case (identical paths) would be enough in
    most cases.

    Personally I have always had my multiple file-compare windows opened through a single folder-compare window for a given WinMerge-instance. So it will likely be OK for virtually all cases I need.


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