
MySql database

  • fishman_alaska

    fishman_alaska - 2005-11-02

    Here's the scoop; last week my server CPU failed and since it was an older processor and MB, I opted to go ahead and replace the CPU/MB.  Since there is no way to replace the CPU/MB without having to do an OS install, I had to reinstall the OS.  Which means I have to reinstall MySql, which is not a big deal.  But how do I use my original WEBCHESS database with the new install of MySql?  I know I could recreate the database, and the run a restore from the backup, but that would be several hours old instead of having the most current.  I know how to do this with SQL server but not sure how to do it with MySql.  Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.  I should mention I installed a new harddrive and the OS and MySQL to this new drive, therefore, my old server drive is fully intact.

    • Rodrigo Flores

      Rodrigo Flores - 2005-11-02

      Hi fishman_alaska,

      That would depend on how you did your backup.

      Tipically, in MySQL you generate a dump file, which should look like the one posted on:

      A dump file is a series of SQL commands that recreate the full database.
      If you do have a dump file, the instructions in the link above should do the trick. If you don't, let us know how you did the backup.


    • fishman_alaska

      fishman_alaska - 2005-11-02


      I am pretty sure I did a complete dump of the database, but will have to wait until I get home to check.

      In SQL server, if you have the database file you can detach the db file and reattach to another SQL server.  This would be the case for this issue.  how do I "reattach" the db from the old instance of MySQL to the new instance of MySQL?  I hope this explains it better than before.


      • Rodrigo Flores

        Rodrigo Flores - 2005-11-02

        Hi again,

        I'm not too familiar with SQLserver, so I don't quite grasp what you mean by "attaching" the db file.

        In the meantime, I'll throw a couple of questions:
        What OS are you working on?
        Do you remember how you backed up your DB?

    • fishman_alaska

      fishman_alaska - 2005-11-02


      I am using Windows 2003 Server.  I'll let you know about the backup once I get home this evening.


    • fishman_alaska

      fishman_alaska - 2005-11-03


      I restored the database and everything is fine.  I knew I could do that...but just thought I could do a SQL like option to reuse the original DB without having to restore.

      On another subject, is it possible for me to have your email address so I can add you to my chess group when I email folks to let them know when problems arise and when I have resolved them.  You can email directly:
      and it is your move...thanks for all of the help.



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