

Anonymous Guilhem BONNEFILLE Rob Norris Greg Troxel Alexander Poddey Jocelyn

Viking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data.

You can import, export and plot tracks, routes and waypoints, show various maps such as OpenTopoMap, OpenStreetMap, Bing Aerial and others.

Create maps using Mapnik.

Download Wikipedia points, OSM Traces or Your Personal OSM Traces for an area on the map.

Create and edit tracks, routes and waypoints and geotag images.

Also create routes via online routers such as brouter or OSRM

Import and export various file types via GPSBabel

See real-time GPS position via GPSD client.

And much, much more... If you're having a hard time visualizing it: check out the [Screenshots], screencasts and then download it to try it out.

It is written in C with the GTK+ 3 toolkit, available for Linux, other POSIX operating systems, and Windows, and is licensed under the GNU GPLv2+.

Version 1.10 (2021-11-27)

Summary of Changes since Version 1.9

  • SF#11: Add Exit Warning if something modified.
  • Tile Area Coverage(TAC): Ability to count and display newly covered tiles
  • GH#134: Support 'geo:' URIs on the commmand line
  • Calendar supports marking of multi-day tracks
  • More Preferences for initial conditions
  • Including the default zoom, showing of the centermarkGH#141 and the scale
  • Ability to rename a track based on it's start date
  • Allow global HTTP User-Agent override
  • Draw overlays on track graphs as a line
  • Many Internal Improvements + Fixes
  • Large Basque and Danish language translation updates

New Dependencies

  • No change




Self Help

  • Inspect detail about what Viking is (or not) doing to trace faults either with configuration or possibly issues with Viking itself.
  • From version 1.9 onwards there is a Log window that captures messages.
  • Extra debug output can be turned on in the GUI by Help->Debug (equivalent to starting with the '-d' command line parameter).
  • For the most detailed output mode (-dV), this has to be invoked on the command line.
  • In Unix like systems run via the command line with debugging (-d) and/or verbose (-V) options turned on and view the output in the terminal:

    viking -dV
  • On Windows use the command prompt and the output must be redirected to a file to capture it - so something like this (assuming a standard location install):

      cd "c:\Program Files\Viking"
      viking.exe -d 2>&1 > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Viking.log"

    Then open the log file on your desktop with any text editor program.
    NB If on a 64bit machine the current default install location is "c:\Program Files(x86)\Viking"

Wiki Updating

Currently to edit this Wiki you need permission - contact the Viking mailing list with your SourceForge login ID requesting "editor" status. Then one can login to the Wiki site with your SourceForge ID to make changes.


TODO / Ideas


  • Terraserver support is removed since this service is no longer operational.


Main Wiki: Contribute
Main Wiki: Data
Main Wiki: Developers
Main Wiki: FAQ
Main Wiki: IdeaList
Main Wiki: Linux_distribution_packages
Main Wiki: Maps
Main Wiki: MasterHelp
Main Wiki: News
Main Wiki: Releases
Main Wiki: Roadmap
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.11
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.3
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.4
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.5
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.6
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.7
Main Wiki: Roadmap_1.8
Main Wiki: Screencast
Main Wiki: Screenshots
Main Wiki: Source_code
Main Wiki: Tutorials
Main Wiki: User_Interface_Ideas
Main Wiki: Users_Manual
Main Wiki: Version-1.10
Main Wiki: Version-1.9
Main Wiki: Windows_binaries
Main Wiki: Wine