

Giovanni Squillero Alberto Tonda Jany Belluz

µGP wiki

Notez Bien: after the Great Hosted Apps Retirement of 2014, the µGP collective started porting the documentation to the new wiki system. This process is not finished, yet.

µGP is a computational approach for autonomously pursuing a goal defined by the user. It is a versatile optimizer, and it was demonstrated able to outperform both human experts and conventional heuristics in finding the optimal solution of hard problems.

µGP has been devised in 2002 in the CAD Group at Politecnico di Torino, and subsequently developed thanks to the effort of several people. It is distributed under the GNU Public License; Sourceforge is kindly hosting the project on

Version 3.1 of the toolkit has been thoroughly described in a book in 2010, but the µGP collective never stopped working. Significant changes and improvements have been implemented ever since. The goal of this wiki is to provide instructions and updated documentation for the users. It aims to be complete and comprehensive, rather than concise and clean.

Project Admins:

Before you start

Using the toolkit

Defining the goal

Tweaking the optimization process


Student projects and external contributions

Hacking the toolkit (i.e., welcome aboard!)

Additional info


Wiki: Benchmarking
Wiki: Books
Wiki: Command line
Wiki: Compiling
Wiki: Constraints Editor
Wiki: Core
Wiki: Credits
Wiki: DMAB
Wiki: Diversity preservation
Wiki: Donations
Wiki: EAs
Wiki: Evaluator
Wiki: Genetic operators
Wiki: How to Write Constraints
Wiki: Individuals
Wiki: Islands and migration
Wiki: Legal notice
Wiki: Lua Evaluator
Wiki: MO optimization
Wiki: Macro
Wiki: Main Settings
Wiki: MicroGP
Wiki: New evolutionary operators
Wiki: New individual selectors
Wiki: New parameter types
Wiki: New populations
Wiki: OneMax 2
Wiki: OneMax 3
Wiki: OneMax in Assembly
Wiki: OneMax
Wiki: Output
Wiki: Polar
Wiki: Population Constraints
Wiki: Population Settings
Wiki: Premature convergence
Wiki: Special files
Wiki: Standard Evaluator
Wiki: Structure Summary
Wiki: Success stories
Wiki: Versions
Wiki: Wrong fitness function