

Alberto Tonda

Output files

Status file (status.xml)

The main µGP’s output file is the Status of the population at the current generation (default name status.xml). The file contains all the individuals in the population, in the internal µGP's XML representation, and more information on the population. Individuals in Status, however, are not human-readable: the advice is to use one of µGP's companion executables, ugp3-extractor, to "extract" the individual(s) you are interested in from Status to a more readable text file.

Note: From v3.2 Mistletoe, µGP automatically extracts the best individual, or the whole Pareto front for MOEA, of each population at the end of the evolution, with the name BEST_<population name="">

Log files

Log files are specified in the logging context of the Main Settings file. They are designed to be human-readable, and are usually in plain text format (other formats are being developed, but they are still not fully functional).

Evolution statistics

It is possible to save data about the current run (see statisticsPathName in main settings or command line options). Such data are stored as comma-separated values (CSV). Each line contains:

  • Generation number
  • Time required to process the generation


  • Entropy
  • Population size mu
  • Offspring size lambda (µGP meaning)
  • Selector's key parameter (i.e., tau for tournament selection; pressure for ranking selection)
  • Operator strength sigma
  • Average age of individuals
  • Average size of individuals
  • Average fitness of individuals (may span different columns)

If the population type is enhanced:

  • Fitness of the best individual (may span different columns)
  • Fitness of the worst individual (may span different columns)

If the population type is multiObjective:

  • Average fitness of the individuals in the first level (may span different columns)
  • Average fitness of the individuals in the last level (may span different columns)

Then, whatever the type of the population:


  • Activation probability of the operator


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