
TradeClient / News: Recent posts

CVS has several upgrades!

We're not quite ready to roll a new release, but the cvs tree has some very nice feature adds and fixes. Thanks to all for contributing.

Also, Bynari, the original sponsor has changed the name of its client to INSIGHT. From here on, we hope the confusion between their work and our project will clear up.

Thanks again

Posted by Tom Adelstein 2001-04-18


2001-03-22: TradeClient 0.9.0 has been released!

TradeClient is a UNIX mail client and personal
information manager for X. It uses GTK+ and
includes support for multiple accounts, both POP3
and IMAP, SMTP, and LDAP. It includes an address
book that can interract fully with an LDAP server,
and a personal calendaring system.

The source is available for download,
as are both static and dynamic binaries
for Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD.... read more

Posted by Trey Tabner 2001-03-22

CVS Update contains full IMAP support

Team TradeClient is pleased to annouce that ttabner implemented full IMAP support in the current cvs tree. Shortly, he will build binaries and a release candidate. Additionally, ttabner fixed numerous bugs and made feature additions which greatly enhanced TradeClient's appeal. Binary builds for various platforms are welcome as well as bug reports. TradeClient is nearing stage 6 maturity, so any binary builds will be safe as long as contributors maintain cvs update capability. We welcome any commercial UNIX builds, Linux builds, BSD & Darwin builds. Thanks - tadelstein

Posted by Tom Adelstein 2001-02-17

TradeClient 0.7.8 Release

The TradeClient team is pleased to announce a new
version of TradeClient, 0.7.8. On it's way to
becoming version 0.8, this client is greatly
shaping up in terms of reliability and stability.
This release introduces a vast array of new
features and bug fixes, some of which are listed
below. This is also the version that Bynari will
be giving away on CDs, along with other goodies,
at the iXorg Conference in Florida, just next
week. Current users should definitely upgrade,
and those unfamiliar with TradeClient will really
want to check this release out. Once we fix some
additional bugs and the new IPC code is in place,
this will become the basis for the 0.8.0 release.

Posted by Trey Tabner 2001-01-12

TradeClient 0.7.3 has been released!

Much enhanced and optimized message search facilities has been added. Message attachments now get properly encoded/attached as rfc822. This will go a long way toward improving usability on forwards and replies. Furthermore, reply to all now works properly again (very cool). TradeClient will now remember window sizes between mail sessions!!! New message filtering options too. As usual, more seg fault and memory leak fixes!... read more

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-10-20


This fixes a number of problems from 0.7.1 on replies. It has has much faster folder display logic. If you have lots of messages in a folder, this is a highly recommended upgrade. Please see the release notes and changelog for more information. They are at


Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-10-04


This is strictly a bug fix release to 0.7.0. This fixes a segfault problem when replying as well as addresses two minor memory leaks and extra debugging output that should not of been visable in the production build. If you are running 0.7.0, you are advised to upgrade 0.7.1 as soon as is possible. Sorry folks!

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-09-22


Bynari is happy to release TradeClient version 0.7.0. This version continues to enhance features and reliability.

New feature list includes:
o PDF User Guild is now available.
o Message searching
o "Sent-Item" support (basic)
o An account can be force fetched which is great for folder/server synchronization.
o New, bigger default dialog sizes (not main window)
o Automatic alias substitution, just press enter
o "Check names" menu item now properly uses aliases too.
o Message priority support for: creating messages, displaying messages, and sorting messages by priority.
o Empty Trash is now a menu item
o Calendar notifications now work! Oh YA! Slick implementation.
o Scheduled process execution is now working.
o Added more pre-time notification choices.
o TODO lists are now a little more sane. It's also easier to delete items.
o Context reply quoting whichs makes it much easier to figure out who said what.
o Improved header support (We now have an X-Mailer line again!!! :) which will help when talking with Outlook users.
o Create emails with expirations, sensitivity levels, reply by, and categories. Again, great for talking with Outlook users.
o Message filtering has been improved (more options)
o Option to right click on message to send it to your favorite web browser. This should help with more types of web emails.
o New ray traced spell checking icon. Thank Trey for bugging me so... :)... read more

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-09-21

New version number of 0.7.0 coming

The next release will be version 0.7.0, which we feel more closely indicates its state of development. In other words, we feel that the client is very usable and reliable now, however, it's still lacking some features that feel is required for a 1.00 release. These include "Sent-Item" and better IMAP suport, just to name a few.

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-08-09


As usual, you will find source tarballs as well as binaries. Please note that there are now 4-binaries on this release and that all are dynamic.

Here's the details of this release since 0.2.5. If you want more detail, see the release notes which will have this plus the CHANGELOG details since 0.2.5. I also want to point out that screen shots are now available via anonymous FTP from Source Forge. You can go to to see them.... read more

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-08-08


WARNING: This release changes some of the IMAP logic. If you currently are using IMAP to fetch your mail, please be sure to delete the account and then recreate. This is REQUIRED for proper operation.

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-08-04


We've added LDAP support to TradeClient, so that it supports a global address book. The dynamic version is expecting to find the dynamic OpenLDAP libraries. Likewise, if you are compiling your own, OpenLDAP will be required to be installed. If you do not want LDAP support compiled in (you don't need the OpenLDAP libraries), edit the Makefile, and change "WANTLDAP=1" to "WANTLDAP=0".

Posted by Trey Tabner 2000-08-02


Login anonymously to for screenshots of the latest TradeClient.

Posted by Trey Tabner 2000-08-02


This is another binary only prelease of of TradeClient 0.3.0. If you prefer to obtain your sources, please do a cvs co on tag 'pr2-030'.


P.S. Please let us know of any problems you find in this release. If you do not let us know, they may not be fixed before 0.3.0 is actually released.

P.P.S. Printing, address book bug fixes, LDAP, and several other minor enhancements and bug fixes will be included prior to the 0.3.0 release. As such, expect one or two more preleases before 0.3.0 actually arrives. Notice these releases are coming closer together. Hint...hint..... read more

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-07-31


Looks like we found some kind soul to write some documentation for us - err, okay, he found us. Once we get things running along and he is sure he wants to commit to this, I'll announce his name.

Things are looking up!

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-07-26


Please download and test the prerelease to help give feedback so that 0.3.0 will be a rock solid release.


Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-07-26

Mailing list

We now have a very low volume mailing list. Please subscribe for release announcements.

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-07-14

Compiling pre-0.3.0 code

If you fetch the latest sources, don't forget to do a "make distclean" before attempting to do your first build. This will get everything ready for your "make". If you have problems compiling, please let us know.

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-07-11


TradeClient now has a survey. We request that anyone that is using, has used, or is wanting to use TradeClient, to please fill out the survey so that we can better serve the community.

Posted by Greg Copeland 2000-07-11

Initial Release! 0.2.5

The initial release of TradeClient has been released.

This release contains partial IMAP support, with full IMAP support, LDAP, and Calender Functions to be added soon.

Posted by Nobody 2000-07-03

Project Launch

We are proud to announce the launch of the TradeClient Project, an LGPL E Mail client with the goal of becoming THE definative UNIX mail client.

Posted by Nobody 2000-06-13

Developers Needed!

The TradeClient Project is looking for Developers fluent in C/C++ to assist with the implementation of IMAP, legacy mailbox compatability, and many other features.

If you are interested in becoming part of the team, drop us a line!

Posted by Nobody 2000-06-12