
Migration from earlier versions easy ??

  • Peter Heydude Smith


    I am using Simple_PHP_Blog since years (I started 2008).
    Now I am asking myself how to migrate from an earlier version without problems.

    I can't find any hint what to consider and how to migrate (just copying all new files over the old ones ????).

    Also, I am not sure about the used version - how can I identify my old version (there is no version number shown) ?

    And, should I migrate to 0.70 instead to 0.80 (because many things are removed in 0.80) ?

    Thx for any hint

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    Addendum: I've seen I can modify my blog URL in such a way, that it shows the CHANGELOG.TXT, e.g. … unfortunately I have only 0.50 up and running … may be changing to 0.60 should be the easiest thing. But it's still important for me if there is any migration/upgrade hint existing…

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    Addendum 2: Have seen there is a UPGRADING.TXT in /docs …

    Copying the new version to a different site directory first, downloading /config, /content and /images folder and included files, then copying these downloaded items into the new created directory, test it and then rename old blog folder to a different name, rename new folder back to the old name - that's (almost) all ?

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2012-09-18

    Yup, sounds like you've got it!

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    Just one simple question left … can I overwrite ALL files on my server which are included in that simplephpblog-ZIP or should I avoid to overwrite some specific files (which are included in the original ZIP also) ?

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2012-10-15

    I wouldn't overwrite anything if you can avoid it, just move/rename the old directory and move the new directory into place.  The only files you need to worry about with user data in them are /config, /content and /images.

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    I did this exactly what you've described.
    But I lost my preferences (choice of theme, title, etc) and the last comment shown is now a very old one.
    I didn't lost the whole content.
    I did not overwrite any /config files.

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    Added later: Anti Spam does not work too - I can't comment anything now.
    I guess version 0.60 of simplephpblog is broken.

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    To be more exact : Anti-Spam Captcha images are not shown now. I was going back to 0.50 and all things worked as before.

  • Peter Heydude Smith

    Nabber00 - I've sent you in detail information via internal mail function here but you would not like to answer ?
    I have no clue why I can't update to 0.60, but it's strange to see even that comment Captcha function doesn't work if I update to 0.60 (no Anti Spam Captcha chars are shown).

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2012-11-11

    0.60 is not supported.  There are going to be many known bugs in that version.  As I said you should try the latest release.  Also there should be some kind of error from PHP that you need to provide.


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