
Upload image page and Page number cannot work

  • Nightcat

    Nightcat - 2011-03-05

    1. In the "Upload image" page, the answer listbox after question "How many images do you wish to upload?" is Empty so cannot be chosen.

    Chick on the "Next" button, there will be nothing after the line "Select file: " but just the "upload"  button.

    Does anyone got the same problem or just me?

    2. And in each category, the page number cannot work normally.
    "<<First" and  "Last>>" will go to the first and last page of  ALL entries.
    " <Back", "Next>" and other pages number sometimes got wrong number, or even cannot work (keep showing the 1st page of category".

    I saw this is already in the buglist for a few months…..

    Btw I think this Blog system is simple and very good to use. And I've fixed some Tranditional Chinese translation, where should I upload the file?

  • waebi

    waebi - 2011-03-07

    In "upload_img.php" replace lines 36 to 40 by this:

    elseif($formstate !="showuploaders"){
    echo('<form action="upload_img.php" method="get">'.$GLOBALS.' <select id="howmany" name="howmany">');
    echo('<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>');

    You may also out comment // lines 52 and 56. But this is cosmetics only.

  • Nightcat

    Nightcat - 2011-03-07

    Thanks so much!! It works now!! Wonderful!! : )

    Besides the page number error in category, I found the search function can only return max 11 entires for result.
    Could this be fixed also?

    (My blog is a story blog, so the page number function is more important to me.)

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-03-07

    Please open a feature request or bug as appropriate for any changes you would like to see.  This ensures they are tracked and I don't forget about them.

  • Nightcat

    Nightcat - 2011-03-08

    Added. Thanks!

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-03-19

    upload_img.php appears to be working properly in the latest version in svn.


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