
SISCweb / News: Recent posts

SISCweb v0.5 Released

This release adds a space-safe implementation of Web Cells,
consolidates the interface from Scheme to JSP/Servlets, and provides
some incremental features and fixes.


- An implementation of web cells, as as described in the paper
"Interaction-Safe State for the Web"
( New
examples now help compare web cells, SRFI-39 parameters,
state-passing-style and session attributes with respect to scope,
backtracking and cloning.... read more

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2007-04-12

SISCweb v0.4 Released

This release introduces improvements in continuation management,
better performance under load, and logging.


This release requires at least SISC 1.15, but SISC 1.16 is recommended
because of radical improvements in I/O performance. This is also the
first SISCweb release to work with SISC 1.16.


- The configuration entries required in the web.xml file are now
fewer, and are documented in the manual. Only one Listener and the
adapter servlet are mandatory. Most configuration parameters are now
optional and represented as environment entries.... read more

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2006-09-03

SISC 1.13.6 works with SISCweb

The recently announced SISC 1.13.6 fixes the regression bug introduced in the previous release.

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2006-05-01

SISC 1.13.5 bug affects SISCweb v0.33

Unfortunately SISC 1.13.5 contains a bug in require-extension that prevents SISCweb from initializing properly. The SISCweb distribution itself is unaffected, as it is based on a previous SISC release.

I recommend using the latest SISCweb with SISC 1.13.4 for now.

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2006-04-23

SISCweb v0.33 Released

2006-04-15: v0.33

This is a compatibility release with SISC 1.13, and adds some features
from the 0.4 development branch.


This release is ONLY compatible with SISC 1.13 and up. If
compatibility with SISC 1.11 is desired, SISCweb 0.32 should be used


- A new module siscweb/image provides procedures to send images from
java.awt.image.RenderedImage objects or from files.

- A new API wraps and "scheme-ifies" all methods on the Request,
Response, Session and ServletContext objects. This makes it easier
to access POST data through a scheme input port, or to set the
response buffer size, or set Java or Scheme session attributes, for
example.... read more

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2006-04-15

SISCweb v0.32 Released

This release fixes a bug and adds some features from the 0.4
development branch.


- Added modules to generate XHTML and XML responses through a port of
the WebIt! XML library. A little cross-pollination between the WebIt!
port and the current HTML library make XHTML and HTML modules mostly

- Added the siscweb/session module for operations on the session

- Added support for response headers in the send-*/* functions. Added
the ability to specify a character encoding in the get-bindings
function.... read more

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2006-02-25

Gone for the Holidays

I will soon be leaving for Europe for the holidays, and will be be back in the first week of January. I doubt that I will be able to work on SISCweb during this period, or even to reliably maintain e-mail conversations. However feel free to e-mail me, and I will answer as I can.

The development branch of SISCweb contains a few fixes and a new module siscweb/session, also documented in the development version of the SISCweb manual. Enjoy!

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2005-12-15

SISCweb v0.31 released

This is a fix release:


1. A missing import rendered the sql/execute-query function
unusable. The bug can also be addressed in v0.3 by issuing in the

(require-extension (srfi 45))

2. Minor bug fixes to the build process.

Thanks again to Dan Muresan for spotting these bugs.

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2005-11-29

SISCweb v0.3 Released

This releases introduces internal changes, a less monolithical
packaging, and a few bug fixes.


- SISCweb is now divided in a core library and three ancilliary
libraries for generating content, accessing databases, and persisting
continuations through Hibernate. This is to allow these libraries to
evolve with a higher degree of freedom outside of SISCweb releases,
and to avoid encumbering SISCweb with external dependencies.
(Hibernate being the point in case.)... read more

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2005-11-25

Old news archive

From now on SISCweb news items will be posted to the project page in addition to the SISCweb site.

In order to keep complete records, the old news items are listed here.

24 Oct 2005: The Scheme Pet Store

Ben Simon has announced a Scheme Pet Store based on SISCweb. He relates his experience and design choices in a very nice writeup, and invites feedback from the Scheme community.
23 Oct 2005: Development branch in state of flux... read more

Posted by Alessandro Colomba 2005-11-25