
7-Zip 21.06

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  • PiotrMP006

    PiotrMP006 - 2021-11-26

    What is the maximum value for the "-memuse = {N} g" switch?

    Maybe 16777215 ?

  • necros

    necros - 2021-11-26

    Pls explain in simple words what new option is for, I mean usage cases - "Memory usage for compressing" - what value should I choose there to compress file faster and / or without output filesize hurting (usually I use LZMA2 ultra by default with max dictionary size)


    Last edit: necros 2021-11-26
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26

      Default value with asterisk * (80%) is good enough for most cases. It means that system will have at least 20% of RAM for another purposes.
      You can try to change "Memory usage for compressing" option , if your system is 32-bit, or if you use virtual machine with complicated memory allocation.


      Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2021-11-26
  • PiotrMP006

    PiotrMP006 - 2021-11-26

    What is the maximum value for the "-memuse = {N} g" switch?


    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26

      -mmemuse value in bytes must fit in 64-bit number.
      You can use -mmemuse=100t to get big value 100 TiB.
      So it will work as unlimited memory use options.
      But real memory usage still will be limited by the number of threads and by dictionary size. So real memory usage will be smaller than specified 100 TiB.

  • PiotrMP006

    PiotrMP006 - 2021-11-26

    The "-mmemuse 100%" option uses 100% free memory only or virtual memory?

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26

      -mmemuse=p100 can use up to 100% of physical memory in 64-bit system.
      The main purpose of that option, that we don't want memory swapping in 7-zip compression process. So we must set "memory usage" below of 100% of physical memory.

      Also note, that -mmemuse reduces only the number of threads. It doesn't reduce the dictionary size. So 7-Zip still can use more memory than specified, if it's required for smaller thread number.

      • PiotrMP006

        PiotrMP006 - 2021-11-26

        How do I set the "-mmemuse" options to be like version 19.00?

        • Igor Pavlov

          Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26
  • Andres Gabriel Camargo Benchimol

    I enter via 7zip explorer to the 7zip installation folder, then I enter to the Lang folder, and I get trapped there, there is not ... to go upper in the folder of 7zip. That is happening in windows 8.1 operative system.

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26

      There is "up" button in top.
      Also you can use keys:
      Ctrl + Page Up
      Also you can enable ".." item in options, if you like that option.


      Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2021-11-26
  • N

    N - 2021-11-26

    Thank Igor. Your work is much appreciated.
    I think I have a Windows installer regression. I've recently installed 2104/2105 by directly invoking the installer without uninstalling a previous version. In both cases the windows "apps" listing cleaned the old uninstaller version. However when I ran the 2016 installer the 2105 AND 2106 entries remained in the apps list.
    I know this used to happen and was pleased to see it fixed when I ran the 2104/2105 installers.
    I should note that when I ran the 2104/2105 installers I ran the EXE version but when I ran 2106, I had the MSI installer. I will also note that I've had this issue with Win10 20H2 on BOTH 32 and 64 bits platforms.

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26

      I can control details of exe installer, but MSI installer is big "system magic". I suppose that it's difficult to keep MSI/EXE installers fully compatible between themselves. So I allow some different registry keys for them.

      • N

        N - 2021-11-26

        Sounds like a reason to avoid the "Magic System Installer" altogether!

  • PiotrMP006

    PiotrMP006 - 2021-11-26

    switch -mmemuse={N}g / -mmemuse=p{N} for decompressing ?????????

    ex: 7z x -mmemuse=64g


    Last edit: PiotrMP006 2021-11-26
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-26

      it's supported for decompression same way.

  • Andres Gabriel Camargo Benchimol

    Problem solved thanks Igor....

  • Marshall

    Marshall - 2021-11-28

    By the way: you can use jwasm, it only chokes on AesOpt.asm but the rest assembles fine. So if you can't use asmc you need to compile the AES sources with asm disabled (better than having asm disabled entirely I guess).

    make sure "asmc" is a link to "jwasm"

    cd CPP/7zip/Bundles/Alone2

    build with asm, ignore errors: USE_ASM=1 IS_X64=1 make -j4 -k -f makefile.gcc

    rebuild AES files without asm: rm -f _o/Aes.o _o/MyAes.o && IS_X64=1 make -j4 -f makefile.gcc

    link with ASM enabled: USE_ASM=1 IS_X64=1 make -j4 -f makefile.gcc


    Last edit: Marshall 2021-11-28
  • Olav R. Birkeland

    Would be great if installing MSI over an existing EXE installation removed references to the EXE installer (uninstaller, registry), and the other way around if installing EXE over MSI. Would make the life easier for sysadmins and package managers (like Winget and Patch My PC).

  • teoberi

    teoberi - 2021-11-28

    Can 7-Zip 21.06 for Linux be compiled without unRAR support?

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-11-29

      Yes, if you remove rar files from makefile.

    • Marshall

      Marshall - 2021-11-30

      I'll take a look at the makefiles and see if I can make unrar optional.


      Here's a patch.
      Now you can set USE_JWASM=1 to build with jwasm instead of asmc and set DISABLE_RAR=1 to disable rar entirely. I've also added a distclean target and I've added "-nologo" to the AFLAGS.


      Last edit: Marshall 2021-11-30
      • teoberi

        teoberi - 2021-12-14

        Maybe something will be done with the unrar setting (configuration as an option) so that it can be deactivated correctly.
        Arch Linux and OpenSUSE use the full package, but Debian actually removes rar files (not very elegantly).
        Slackware maintainer (and BDFL) is reluctant to include 7-Zip as part of Slackware due to licensing issues. The possibility of deactivating unrar would help to accept the package.

  • str()

    str() - 2021-12-02

    Hi Igor.

    Thanks a lot for a release build with the newer code!

    I'm very happy that I can still put the "CRC SHA" menu into the root of the context menu, feared for a second that wasn't possible.

    Is it somehow possible to make 7zip->CRC SHA show the hash with upper case letters like in 19,00 instead of the new lower case letters? I find it harder to quickly look at hashes when they're lower case like now. I can't see any setting in 7zip to change it, so maybe a registry change or other options?

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2021-12-03

      lower case hex is common for sha-1 and sha-256 in another programs. So I tried to keep better compatibility with another programs.

      Also I suppose that lower case is simpler to read because lower case letters are smaller than numbers . So it's simpler to keep focus position in long sequence. Also in lower case it's simpler to distinguish 0 vs D/d, and 8 vs B/ b.


      Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2021-12-03
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