
Can there be an option to disable the spelling checker?

SEB 2.0
  • Phil Butcher

    Phil Butcher - 2014-03-18

    We will be offering online exams as alternatives to written exams on paper and clearly we cannot provide helpful tools to one set of students and not to the others. It follows that we need an option to disable the in-built spelling checker in the browser.

    Is this something that can be provided?

  • Daniel Schneider

    As there is a preference for this in XULRunner, it should be possible to deactivate the spelling checker. You could do it manually in the XULRunner settings for now, we can implement an option in SEB directly in the next version.

  • Phil Butcher

    Phil Butcher - 2014-03-20

    This is now solved.

    This turned out to be a server side issue with tinyMCE in Moodle. It can be stopped by altering the Custom settings for tinyMCE here admin/settings.php?section=editorsettingstinymce.

    Entering this

    {"plugins": "lists,table,style,layer,advhr,advlink,emotions,inlinepopups,paste,directionality,nonbreaking,save,preview,noneditable,visualchars,xhtmlxtras,template,pagebreak", "gecko_spellcheck": "false"}

    into the tinyMCE Custom settings field worked for us on Noodle 2.5. The key part to turn off spelling check is '"gecko_spellcheck": "false"'.

  • Phil Butcher

    Phil Butcher - 2014-03-20

    Correction to the JSON above
    "gecko_spellcheck": "false"
    should read
    "gecko_spellcheck": false