
#58 Component hash not correct after update from v2.1.1 to v2.1.3

v1.0 (example)


We're implementing a solution using SEB for a bring your own device scenario. This includes that the students on our school must download our supported version of SEB (currently 2.1.3) and install it our their private device. We're using the request hash, which amongst other things is created from the component hash, to control that the student has not tampered with the SEB-application and is using a supported version of SEB.

Our problem is that the component hash is different when SEB v.2.1.3 is freshly installed on a device, from when SEB is upgraded from v.2.1.1 to v2.1.3. We're not sure if this occurs from and to other versions, but this is the versions used when we found the problem. We've also pinpointed the problem to be that the "C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeExamBrowser\SebWindowsServiceWCF\Interop.WUApiLib.dll"-file is not overwritten when v2.1.3 is put on top of v.2.1.1. And since this file is included when creating the component hash we're facing this problem.

This is critical in our scenario as this will prevent the students that has upgraded the version from accessing our system. Since this is a BYOD scenario, we cannot easily control this either. We need to be able to validate the request hash, and so the component hash must be correct.

Please help.

Svein Rune Engebakken


  • Daniel Schneider

    • assigned_to: Daniel Schneider
    • Priority: 5 --> 1
  • Daniel Schneider


    Thanks for your detailed bug report. The reason for Interop.WUApiLib.dll not being updated by the SEB installer is that it has the same version number, even though it was changed from SEB 2.1.2 to 2.1.3. Windows Installer updates files if they have another version number or if they don't have any version number and its creation date changes. All other SEB binaries automatically increase their (build) version numbers with every build, somehow this wasn't the case with this automatically generated DLL.

    We will release a bugfix update (SEB 2.1.4) as soon as possible, it seems as the problem is already solved in the source code repository, so we could release the update likely this week.


  • Svein Rune Engebakken

    Hei Daniel!

    Great news that you found the problem so quickly! How does the timeframe lookfor the 2.1.4 release?

    Svein Rune

  • Daniel Schneider

    Hi Svein,

    We will try to finalize the 2.1.4 update tomorrow and release it also shortly after.


  • Svein Rune Engebakken

    Hi again,

    We're still wating for the next release. Any news?

    Svein Rune

    • Daniel Schneider

      Sorry Svain, unfortunately I was too optimistic. We have a fix for this bug in our source code repository (not yet tested though), but as we got other severe issues reported in the meantime, we have to push the 2.1.4 release back. Please in meantime advise your students to first uninstall previous versions manually before installing SEB 2.1.3.


  • Mats Groenlid

    Mats Groenlid - 2016-12-01

    Hi Daniel.
    Any more information regarding the 2.1.4 release?

    Best regards,

  • Mats Groenlid

    Mats Groenlid - 2016-12-05

    We're still waiting for the 2.1.4 release. Any more information regarding this?

    // Mats

    • Daniel Schneider

      No new information means the last posted information is still valid (see above). I'm aware that this is an inconvenience, but there is a workaround (just make your students follow installation instructions carefully, for someone who made it to a higher education institution this should not be a problem...).

      Until end of the year we are running on lower resources, as I'm spending some well deserved time off in Asia and our other developers are also quite busy with working on fixing important issues. So we can't rush this release, I'm sorry.

  • Daniel Schneider

    We fixed the problem which caused the Browser Exam Key to be different when SEB 2.1.3 was updated from an older version than when it was installed freshly. SEB 2.1.4 can be updated from 2.1.1, 2.1.2 or 2.1.3.

    A direct update from SEB 2.1 might still fail (due to some installer problems in SEB 2.1), so users would have to uninstall SEB 2.1 first using the Windows control panel before installing SEB 2.1.4.

    Please test the pre-release version from our testing repository and let us know if it works for you. We will release SEB 2.1.4 in a few days, after testing is finished.

  • Daniel Schneider

    • status: open --> closed-fixed