
Spanish translation

  • Luis Moncada

    Luis Moncada - 2017-01-19

    Is there any translation for sarg in Spanish?

    If so, how can I install it, I have installed sarg 2.3.10

    I know the method #language: Spanish is deprecated, so how can I have the reports in this language?

  • Frederic Marchal

    Sarg hasn't been translated to Spanish since the old "language" option was deprecated in favor of gettext and its po files. Currently available translations are listed on the Translation Project page:

    If you can help, please join the Spanish translator team (see I don't know if the team is active but if it isn't, I can help you getting started.

  • Luis Moncada

    Luis Moncada - 2017-01-20

    I contacted the team leader, no answer yet.

    I would like to cooperate but I can't or I don't know how to install languages, so if they don't reply I would like you to help me, I can do some translations


  • Javier Polo Cózar

    I am very interested in Spanish translation for sarg and I dont see any assignement in yet so I joined and sent an email to Spanish translator team, Actually waiting for an answer.
    I think what I should do is getting pot file from
    do the translation and then generate a po file (plain text, using a standard editor I guess) who would be set in by some of the mainteners.
    But I understand that I must send this file to be checked to someone who is part of the Spanish translation team and who is allowed to upload such po file.
    Am I right ? Is there anything I should know about process ? any tool ?
    Is there anything already done by Luis Moncada who sent this email in January?
    Thanks in advance

  • Frederic Marchal

    Starting to translate a pot file is quite simple actually. I recommend to download sarg-2.3.10.pot from the Translation Project's web site:

    I don't know where the link you mention comes from. The above link comes from the Translation Project where sarg's translation is hosted.

    Rename the file as and adjust the header. For instance:

    # Spanish translation for sarg.
    # Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    # This file is distributed under the same license as the sarg package.
    # Javier Polo Cózar <>, 2017.
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "Project-Id-Version: sarg 2.3.10\n"
    "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-15 20:24+0100\n"
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-20 14:13+0200\n"
    "Last-Translator: Javier Polo Cózar <>\n"
    "Language-Team: Spanish <>\n"
    "Language: es\n"
    "X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

    Then we reach the difficult part. Getting your work to be accepted.

    The translated po file must be sent to the TP robot by a member of the Spanish translation team. That member may be you if you ask the team leader to join the team :-). The team leader may provide some guidance. For instance, there might be some fellow translators willing to proofread your translation. Don't hold your breath though. Man power is very low when it comes to free software translation.

    If the team leader doesn't respond, send an e-mail to the Spanish translation team's address. It appears to be I wish there was an archive to see if the list is active...

    Failing that, try to find an active translator and ask for the current Spanish translation team status and if the team leader is still around. The only way to find who is still active is to check every po file on the Spanish page ( and see if one po file was updated recently... Sorry, I don't know of any easier way.

    If you get no answer or a translator confirms the team leader is not active any more, send an e-mail to the Translation Project's coordinator ( to ask to be added to the Spanish translation team. Mention that you received no answer from the team leader. If you managed to find an active translator, put him on CC so that the coordinator knows you did your investigation right.

    All of this can be easy or tedious depending on how active the Spanish team is. Don't get discouraged.

  • Javier Polo Cózar

    Thank you very much Frederic!
    I am already in touch with Spanish team leader and waiting for approval to join Spanish translation team. I've already done translation but I am waiting for being a member of team and be assigned to sarg translation, so I can be able to send my .po file to robot to check it and validate it by other members of team. Until now I cant do it as I am not a member, they are rejected.
    I hope soon you will get Spanish translation.
    Once done I think you must upload a new version of package.

  • Javier Polo Cózar

    Hi Fréderic
    As Spanish translation is already done (by me laughs) could you let me know when you are planning to modify your sarg repository so we can use it ?
    I guess you must modify some php files and add .mo and.po files.
    I can be beta tester as I did translation :-)

  • Frederic Marchal

    Thank you Javier for your translation.

    Strangely, the Translation Project failed to inform me about its availability (and the availability of many more translations).

    I just updated the v23 branch in git. I'll prepare a new release for version 2.3.11 with the updated translations.

    It may take some time though as I have very little time for this and gettext seems to have changed since I last used it. It complains about a missing /usr/bin/gmsgfmt file about which I can't find any information...

    In the meantime, if you want to see your work in action, you can build the translation with the following command:

    msgfmt es.po -o

    Then copy the resulting into /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/. The actual path may be different depending on your distribution.

    The es.po file may be the one you submitted to the translation project. It's name should then be

  • Frederic Marchal

    Preparing the release was faster than I expected. I think I got it mostly right :-). I upgraded gettext and released the files just now.

    Unfortunately, I have no server to test sarg any more (my employer dismantled the server back in 2014). So, I have no recent access.log to validate sarg.

  • Javier Polo Cózar

    Thank you very much Frederic for being so fast!
    For me it was easier follow your guide in the previous post and just to /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES for not overwritting config files of sarg and because I am using sarg from Ubuntu repositories, didnt compile it myself.
    And now it is working in spanish :-)
    I relized I have to do some small changes to my own .po file (just :-)


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