
Display Usernames AND IPs

  • luxinterior

    luxinterior - 2015-02-15

    I tried to search an found a bunch of topics similar but couldn't find a definitive answer.

    Is it possible to display both the username and the ip they used? I see it's available in the 'Access Denied' page so I'm guess it must be possible.

    We have a problem with people sharing there login details so we want to track them down and show proof.

    Thanks for your help


    UPDATE: I'm getting closer :) I see topuser_fields in the settings and tried adding IP, NAME and even IP/NAME

    None of them worked so is there a resource that lists the options?


    Last edit: luxinterior 2015-02-15
  • Frederic Marchal

    The development version (sarg v2.4 in git's master branch) can display the user name and the IP address but the patch was not backported to version 2.3.

    You can checkout and build sarg 2.4 (see the [Build] wiki page) and it will accept USERIP as a topuser_fields.

    Alternatively, you can examine the URL to which the user's link point in an existing top user report. It is the user's IP address.

  • luxinterior

    luxinterior - 2015-02-15

    Thanks for the response.

    I read over the instructions on how to build sarg but I'm afraid that's WAY beyond my skillset :(

    I looked at the user report and couldn't see any ip address on the url. Am i missing something obvious?



    PS: If anybody has already built a version of 2.4 that would be VERY useful indeed.

  • Frederic Marchal

    The top user report is a list of users with the user's ID, the number of accesses, the number of bytes downloaded, the cache hit and miss, the time spent and so on.

    The user's ID is a HTML link to the user's report showing the sites the user visited.

    That user's ID link is the one I was writing about. It points to a URL like this: 31Aug2009-05Sep2009/192_168_1_64/192_168_1_64.html. It is the user's report page. As you can see that user's IP address is

    Note that older versions of sarg were not using the IP address.

    The IP address is also masked from the URL if anonymous_output_files is set in sarg.conf.

  • luxinterior

    luxinterior - 2015-02-15




    Last edit: luxinterior 2015-02-15
  • luxinterior

    luxinterior - 2015-02-15

    My urls don't have ip and I don't have 'anonymous_output_files in my sarg.conf

    Version is 2.3.6

    Any idea when 2.4 will be released? That would solve a LOT of problems. The alternative is writing something in PHP to parse the log files. It seems a bit like re-inventing the wheel though.



    Last edit: luxinterior 2015-02-15
  • Frederic Marchal

    Sorry for the delay. I had to review the code involved in the directory creation.

    I was wrong. The URL is the IP address when user_ip is set in sarg.conf but, when doing so, the user isn't identified by his/her ID anymore. If user_ip is not set, the directory name is the user's ID as you observed. So it isn't a valid solution for you.

    I don't know when version 2.4 will be ready. It would solve so many problems I think I will release it before my todo list is empty.

  • luxinterior

    luxinterior - 2015-02-16

    No problem at all Frederic and I do appreciate you taking the time to reply.

    I'll keep checking the site periodically to see if/when your todo list ever becomes empty :)

    Take care



    Last edit: luxinterior 2015-02-16

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