
#629 Crash in Proving perspective (too many handles)


PROBLEM. Roding keeps crashing in the proving perspective during long proving sessions. At some point, it stops working, though parts of the Eclipse UI keep reacting to mouseover events etc. Sometimes, the whole windows desktop starts to go crazy (e.g. buttons in the taskbar disappearing etc.). Only solution is to kill and restart Rodin. In rare cases, an error message appears saying something like "the application uses too many handles".

INVESTIGATION. I googled the problem and found out that Windows had a limit on GUI handles of 10.000 -- which should be more than enough. One can display the number of handles used by each application in the Windows Task Manager (there's a column for that in the process view: "View", "Select Columns", "GDI Objects"). I observed it and noticed that, during proving, the number went up to highest amounts. Indeed, when Roding freezes, it reached 10.000.

Longer observations brought up that the GDI object count goes up every time a list of hypotheses reloads (e.g. in each proving step, when searching for hypotheses etc.). It goes down again to a normal amount again when I close the proof tab.

So, rebuilding a list of hypotheses seems to create new objects which only get freed again on closing the whole list.

ENVIRONMENT. Windows 7 64bit, up to date.


  • Thomas Muller

    Thomas Muller - 2012-10-16

    This bug seems linked to bug #3568830 ( When bug #3568830 is fixed, one should check the status of this bug.

  • Thomas Muller

    Thomas Muller - 2012-10-18

    This problem has been solved by the in revision 15196 at the same time as bug #3568830 has been fixed. Rodin GDI objects is stable and most of the time does not exeed 1000.
    This fix will be available starting with Rodin 2.7RC1.

  • Thomas Muller

    Thomas Muller - 2012-10-18
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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