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File Date Author Commit
 ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob 2017-07-23 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [78bb2e] Qual. Prob. Features and Plug-ins: Update versi...
 ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob-feature 2017-07-23 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [78bb2e] Qual. Prob. Features and Plug-ins: Update versi...
 ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob.branding 2017-07-23 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [78bb2e] Qual. Prob. Features and Plug-ins: Update versi...
 ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob.sdk 2017-07-23 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [78bb2e] Qual. Prob. Features and Plug-ins: Update versi...
 ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob.ui 2017-07-23 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [78bb2e] Qual. Prob. Features and Plug-ins: Update versi... 2017-07-23 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [6769ca] README updated

Read Me

Event-B Qualitative Probability Package

This package provides supports for qualitative probability reasoning
(termination with probability 1). There are different bundles for the package can be installed via the update site (RODIN sourceforge update site).

  1. ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob_feature_x.x.x.x.jar The basic feature containing the binary build of the package.

  2. ch.ethz.eventb.qualprob.sdk_x.x.x.x.jar The SDK feature containing the source code and tests used for development.

The complete source code of the package can be downloaded as a zip file

Release History

Version 0.2.4 - Branding

  • Branding 0.0.1: Initial version

Version 0.2.3

  • Publish the SDK feature of the package.