
Tree [54dc8e] master v0.2.4 /

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File Date Author Commit
 ch.ethz.eventb.utils 2017-11-22 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [54dc8e] Feature and plug-in version number to release.
 ch.ethz.eventb.utils-feature 2017-11-22 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [54dc8e] Feature and plug-in version number to release.
 ch.ethz.eventb.utils.sdk 2017-11-22 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [54dc8e] Feature and plug-in version number to release.
 ch.ethz.eventb.utils.tests 2017-11-22 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [54dc8e] Feature and plug-in version number to release.
 ch.ethz.eventb.utils.tests.feature 2017-11-22 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [54dc8e] Feature and plug-in version number to release.
 org.rodinp.licence 2016-11-24 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [6c0f32] Set Rodin Linence feature version to 1.0.0.release
 .gitignore 2014-05-29 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [9e7305] Ignore bin folder 2017-11-22 Thái Sơn Hoàng Thái Sơn Hoàng [0211a3] Update README file.

Read Me

Event-B Utilities Package

This package provides additional functionalities to manipulate Event-B
components. There are different bundles for the package can be
installed via the update site (RODIN sourceforge update site).

  1. ch.ethz.eventb.utils_feature_x.x.x.x.jar The basic feature
    containing the binary build of the package.

  2. ch.ethz.eventb.utils.tests.feature_x.x.x.x.jar The tests feature.

  3. ch.ethz.eventb.utils.sdk_x.x.x.x.jar The SDK feature containing
    the source code and tests used for development.

The complete source code of the package can be downloaded as a zip

Release history

Version 0.2.4 - Implement method to get invariants

  • add method getSCInvariants() to EventBSCUtils to get the invariants
    from statically checked machine.
  • Create a new Tests feature
  • Change the SDK feature to generate source features.

Version 0.2.3 - Implement method to get variables' type

  • add method getVariableType(…) to EventBSCUtils to get the type of a
    variable from the statically checked machine
  • Added utilitities related to Event-B UI: Event-B content provider,
    Event-B label provider, Event-B viewer filter.

Version 0.2.1 - Publish the SDK feature

  • Published the SDK feature of the package.
  • Changed the structure of the tests plugin.