
#46 Auto reopen port


I would like to use Realterm software for logging data from TCP client.
It works great, but when I disconnect the client by unplug cable or switch off, Realterm reports Winsock error 10054. I have to close and open port again.
Is there possibility, that is can be automaticaly?


  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2017-05-19
    • status: open --> completed
    • In Version: Next Release (example) --> V3.0.0.32
  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2017-05-19

    You can test when it is up. Awaiting a new code signing certificate from Comodo. waiting....waiting....

  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2017-06-01
    • In Version: --> V3.0.0.32
    • Jaroslav Dvorak

      Jaroslav Dvorak - 2017-06-01

      Thank you very much Simon! Is there possiblity to check the checkbox
      automaticaly by syntax?
      My company would like to donate your work, but can you make invoice for
      that? My company requires it...

      Dne 1. 6. 2017 10:36 napsal uživatel "Simon Bridger"

      • In Version: --> V3.0.0.32
      • Comment:

      from V3.0.0.32 it automatically tried to reconnect if the new autoopen
      checkbox next to the "open" button is checked.

      Status: completed
      In Version: V3.0.0.32

      Created: Fri Mar 31, 2017 09:57 PM UTC by Jaroslav Dvorak
      Last Updated: Fri May 19, 2017 03:13 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I would like to use Realterm software for logging data from TCP client.
      It works great, but when I disconnect the client by unplug cable or switch
      off, Realterm reports Winsock error 10054. I have to close and open port
      Is there possibility, that is can be automaticaly?

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • Simon Bridger

        Simon Bridger - 2017-06-03

        Yes we can invoice your company if you like. Donations are important - without them the project would stop. Just spent $290 on a new code signing certificate for RT....

        The OPEN commandline param will control autoopen.
        Probably you will not need to do anything, at the moment it is auto-open by default, so if the telnet port is given on the commandline it will be opening.

        I finally have the new signing certificate, and one I have SHA256 signing worked out V3.0.0.32 will be released - by Monday I expect.

        • Jaroslav Dvorak

          Jaroslav Dvorak - 2017-06-11

          Hello, thank you for your work about autoreopen port in the Realterm, but
          unfortunately it does not work.
          I tried simulate unpluging cable of the client by killing process and the
          error is still there.
          Here is the video:

          I am sorry that...
          Jaroslav Dvorak

          2017-06-03 6:39 GMT+02:00 Simon Bridger

          Yes we can invoice your company if you like. Donations are important -
          without them the project would stop. Just spent $290 on a new code signing
          certificate for RT....

          The OPEN commandline param will control autoopen.
          Probably you will not need to do anything, at the moment it is auto-open
          by default, so if the telnet port is given on the commandline it will be

          I finally have the new signing certificate, and one I have SHA256 signing
          worked out V3.0.0.32 will be released - by Monday I expect.

          Status: completed
          In Version: V3.0.0.32
          Created: Fri Mar 31, 2017 09:57 PM UTC by Jaroslav Dvorak
          Last Updated: Thu Jun 01, 2017 08:36 AM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          I would like to use Realterm software for logging data from TCP client.
          It works great, but when I disconnect the client by unplug cable or switch
          off, Realterm reports Winsock error 10054. I have to close and open port
          Is there possibility, that is can be automaticaly?

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2017-06-01

    from V3.0.0.32 it automatically tried to reconnect if the new autoopen checkbox next to the "open" button is checked.

  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2017-06-14

    OK, try this one
    Hopefully it works for all permutations of crashing the link

    • Jaroslav Dvorak

      Jaroslav Dvorak - 2017-06-14

      Yes! Thank you very much Simon! It works :-)
      I have to test it practicaly in company, but i think, it is exactely what I
      So I will contact you later about donation and invoice.

      Jaroslav Dvorak

      2017-06-14 10:52 GMT+02:00 Simon Bridger

      OK, try this one
      Hopefully it works for all permutations of crashing the link

      Status: completed
      In Version: V3.0.0.32
      Created: Fri Mar 31, 2017 09:57 PM UTC by Jaroslav Dvorak
      Last Updated: Thu Jun 01, 2017 08:36 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I would like to use Realterm software for logging data from TCP client.
      It works great, but when I disconnect the client by unplug cable or switch
      off, Realterm reports Winsock error 10054. I have to close and open port
      Is there possibility, that is can be automaticaly?

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2017-06-14
    • status: completed --> awaiting-testing

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