
qpeGPS / News: Recent posts

New QpeGPS v. released

Whats new in

1. Added maps downloading feature (download area) for google maps. (downmap_g - module)
2. Now you can delete and rename Places and tracks (track files). "Ren" and "Del" buttons now available.
3. Now while measuring path saved as track under name MeasuredTrack. If you will select MeasuredTrack and check read checkbox in the "track" tab you will see measured path on the map (as a track)
4. Some other minor bug fixes.

Posted by Voblin 2008-04-06

qpeGPS released

This is a mantenience version to correct the bugs reported since 0.9.3 was relased. This version also includes some new features that are related next
Tested only on Zaurus SL-C3100 under QTopia (sharp and cacko ROMs).

Whats new in

1. New feature: Nested folders for searching maps. Now qpeGPS can search for the existence of maps.txt files in all subdirs on the maps path (there is an option in Settings view to enable/disable this feature).
2. New feature: Rotation modes. In gps view you can choose between North up and Heading up orientation. Whith this last option the map is rotated to face the current heading direction (Warning: this mode can slow down the visualization of maps)
3. New feature: 2x Zoom on gps view. You can activate this option from the popup menu. (Warning: this mode can slow down the visualization of maps)
4. Bug: Places are saved when addding a new Place
5. Bug: Removed double slashes (//) on paths [1669793]
6. Bug: SIGSEGV in DownloadSpecificaition [1697336]
7. Rewritten code to access gpsd (based on latest ashikase code). libgps and libpthreead no longer needed.
8. Popup menu on gps view can be accessed with click and hold (prolongated click). Non accessible options are grayed.
9. Stop script is called on exit.
10. Other minor bugs corrected

Posted by ztep 2007-05-11

qpeGPS 0.9.3 released

This is a preview version to test the new features.
Correction of posible bugs and improvements will be added in other future revisions (versions 0.9.3.x).
Tested only on Zaurus clamshells (SL-C860 and SL-C3100) under Qtopia (sharp and cacko ROMs).

Whats new in 0.9.3:

1. New feature: Profiles. Now you can save your configuration file with different names/profiles, so you can switch between configuration faster (different map diretories, gps configs, etc.).
2. Added the option to view/edit the start/resume/stop scripts that are executed to start the gps device and gpsd daemon, to resume them after the zaurus is resumed or to stop them.
3. New feature: support for tiled maps. That is, a map composed of a matrix of tiles, each one is a map/image, creating a virtual map that covers a bigger area. This allows qpeGPS to show several image files concurrently. To add a tiled map you must insert a new line in maps.txt with this format:
TILED filename scale size_X size_Y
- filename is a text file with the same format of maps.txt that contains the images/maps description for each tile/map (they don't need to be ordered).
- scale is the scale factor.
- size_X is the number of columns.
- size_Y is the number of rows, so the map is a rectangular array of size_X*size_Y tiles/images.
4. Updated to use gpsd version 2.xx (tested with version 2.34). You can download the ipk from Misc_utilities.
5. Improved the search of maps. Before this version it could take some time (several seconds) since the position changed until qpeGPS searches on that position and shows it (specially if you have a big amonut of maps). Now the search is almost instantaneous.
6. Improved drawing of maps with large tracks. I have changed how the maps are drawn so the drawing is fast, even with large tracks (several thousands of points).
7. Added other method based on qCop messages to detect when the zaurus resumes. It works with the latest Cacko ROMs (1.22 and 1.23), so you don't need to change /etc/apm.d/bluetooth anymore.
8. Minor changes on GPS status page:
- the background color of time in Data Staus is red for no fix, yellow for 2D fix (position) or green for 3D fix (position and altitude).
- the satelite power bars are green for satelites used to fix and red otherwise. ... read more

Posted by ztep 2007-01-16

New qpegps

Whats new in

1. International encoding for saving places now is available. Places (in places.txt file) now storing in the UTF8 encoding.

2. Help file now also work.

3. Fixed problem with some BT GPS devices.

4. Many peoples reported problem with wakeup CF GPS cards after suspending (pressing power "off/on" button). If you have a problems with resuming qpegps/gpsd operations (after soft off/on Data Status: gpsd: is ERR and GPS: is red). Typically it happens in Cacko ROM v 1.22 or later.
You can try to add in the /etc/apm.d/bluetooth file (or in the some another such file) at the end of "resume)" section such four commands:
sleep 3
killall -SIGCONT qpegps
sleep 12
killall -SIGUSR1 qpegps... read more

Posted by Voblin 2006-02-02


Whats new in
1. minor bug fixes
2. In menu which is available by <OK> button now added two items first: Switch view (full screen or normal) second: Switch mode (GPS or Map)
3. In GPS mode now you also can click to any point on the map and you will see dialog with point position (coordinates) and distance from current position to the pointed point, also in this dialog you can save pointed position in places.txt file (by pressing "Save" button) or Set up pointed position as destination (by pressing "Destination" button).
4. You can switch between full screen and normal view by pressing <Cancel> / <Esc> button... read more

Posted by Voblin 2005-12-13

New release qpegps

This is beta version with A. Karkhov additions.
Tested only on Zaurus SL-C860 under QTopia (no known bugs).
Known problems with Open Zaurus.
Use runcompat utility to start on Open Zaurus.

Whats new in
1. Added "map mode" to browsing maps (with or without GPS receiver).
2. Added saving/deleting places/waypoints.
3. Added setting destination point (qpegps will display bearing and distance to destination).
4. Added measuring distances between any points on the maps.
5. Added scale line.... read more

Posted by Voblin 2005-03-16

New prerelease qpegps

Whats new in
1. Some minor fixes.
2. Added downloading multiple map files which cover some area (region) from

Posted by Voblin 2004-12-17

Maps download script published

Script download maps for regions.

1. perl
2. wget

1. unzip
2. cd download
3. set file execution rights for file
chmod 0555
4. set file execution rights for file
chmod 0555
5. for examle download run: ./
or use:
./ -h
to help

if you use proxy enter:
where: - IP ddress or name
8080 - port on

Posted by Voblin 2004-11-11

prerelease of qpegps published

This is version with A. Karkhov additions.
Tested only on Zaurus SL-C860 under QTopia (no known bugs).
Known problems with Open Zaurus.
Use runcompact utility to start on Open Zaurus.

Whats new in
1. Added "map mode" to browsing maps (with or without GPS receiver).
2. Added saving/deleting places/waypoints.
3. Added setting destination point (qpegps will display bearing and distance to destination).
4. Added measuring distances between any points on the maps.
5. Added scale line.

Posted by Voblin 2004-11-11

qpeGPS 0.9.1 released

qpeGPS version 0.9.1 has been released.

Posted by Ralf Haselmeier 2003-06-02

help wanted

Who's interested in taking an active part in the qpeGPS development ?

Posted by Ralf Haselmeier 2002-07-01