
install QM problem

  • mustafafranace

    mustafafranace - 2017-01-15

    hi to all
    I am trying to install QM 5.8.1 about 9 MB on windows 64 bits
    after installation on c/qm directory
    i can't find the executable file in the installation directory
    i want to open QM graphical tool


    Last edit: mustafafranace 2017-01-15
  • Quantum Leaps

    Quantum Leaps - 2017-01-15

    You might be confusing QM (modeling tool, currently at version 4.0.0) with QP/C (active object framework, currently at version 5.8.1).

    The QM executable is located in the qm\bin sub-directory.



    Last edit: Quantum Leaps 2017-01-15
  • catonyx

    catonyx - 2017-01-17

    I don't see a QM 64 bit for windows at this location:

  • Quantum Leaps

    Quantum Leaps - 2017-01-17

    On Windows, QM 4.0.0 is now only avaialble as 32-bit application. This was explicitly requested as Feature Request #114. The 32-bit QM works just fine on 64-bit Windows.

    I hope you understand that maintaining both 64-bit and 32-bit is expensive and really makes no sense, since the 32-bit version covers both platforms.


    • catonyx

      catonyx - 2017-01-17

      Thanks for the clarification. That is fine but I suggest adding this to the documentation -- I thought it meant there was both as opposed to supporting both. When I read it again, it is techniquely correct but easy to misread. Especially, when the download name has 32 in it. Perhaps, it should just say qm_4.0.0-win.exe (but that would probably confuse someone thinking it won't work on 32).


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