
QMidiArp / News: Recent posts

qmidiarp-0.7.1 release

qmidiarp-0.7.1 (2024-08-23)

Fixed Bugs:
o long-standing issue exposing on some c++ system implementations and
reported by several users on github: QMidiArp crashed when adding a
Seq module or calling the QMidiArp_Seq LV2 plugin.
o when building with cmake, some symbols of the lv2 .so were globally

Posted by Frank 2024-08-23 Labels: 0.7.1

qmidiarp-0.7.0 release

This release ships with new LV2 plugin UIs based on the robtk toolkit by Robin Gareus for the first time. The UIs will get installed in parallel to the original X11 UIs that were still based on Qt. The new plugin UIs are independent of Qt and do not link to system libraries whose API changes frequently. For building them you need some new fellows though: glu, gl, cairo, pango and pangocairo headers are now required.... read more

Posted by Frank 2023-05-18 Labels: 0.7.0

qmidiarp-0.6.7 release

Shortly after 0.6.6 this release corrects some issues found in the meantime mainly thanks to lv2lint and the old in the last 0.6.6 version. It also introduces a cmake build environment with the hope of making packaging easier.


Posted by Frank 2023-04-11

qmidiarp-0.6.6 release

A highly overdue release of various improvements and bugfixes cumulated over the last five (!) years is finally out.

The main changes are in the Global store that got some handy attributes added to the storage locations, i.e. you can now set a number of repetitions counter. You can also click on a spot within the location buttons to interrupt the automatic progression across locations temporarily. This may improve its usability a bit.
Regarding LV2, there is now a X11 UI descriptor provided (thanks to Rui rncbc for a model how to do this in synthv1), but note that the qmidiarp plugins UIs are still not self-contained and link to the Qt5 libraries that were used for building, as long as nobody (including me) feels ready to rewrite a library-independent LV2UI for them. They were checked working nicely with qtractor, ardour 6, reaper, carla, jalv and bespoke synth locally, but be warned.
The plugin dsps are, however, independent of Qt.... read more

Posted by Frank 2023-04-08 Labels: 0.6.6

qmidiarp 0.6.5 maintenance release

Another year has passed, and qmidiarp again only slightly changes, improves, adapts itself. A few more factory patterns were added to the Arpeggiator, a new "As Played" repeat mode has sneaked in, and for making things easier the MIDI OMNI mode is now default when modules are added.

QMidiArp also builds against Qt5 by default now (it's about time ;) ), no more --enable-qt5 needed at configure stage. ... read more

Posted by Frank 2017-12-17

qmidiarp 0.6.4 maintenance release

This is a one-year round-up release of qmidiarp. A few new little features have sneaked in and a few bugs have been fixed, both thanks to people filing tickets!
Nothing else to say, except that the detailed changes are right below:

qmidiarp-0.6.4 (2016-11-01)

o All Modules now have the Note Filter already present in the Arps.
Also, the note range entries can now be set by MIDI learn
o Arp: The octave mode is now defined by independent upper/lower bounds
(feature request #12 by ssj71)
o LFO: New waveform flip button (feature request #11 by MilkMiruku)
o Seq: The output MIDI channel is now a MIDI controllable item. This
allows for instance an LFO to control the Seq MIDI channels for
dispatching sounds within a sequence (feature request #13 by Menno)... read more

Posted by Frank 2016-11-01 Labels: 0.6.4

qmidiarp 0.6.3 bugfix release

QMidiarp-0.6.3 is a small release fixing an annoying regression in the Arp LV2 module, where the pattern display did not follow changes made in the pattern field or when selecting a preset. It also fixes the LV2 plugin user interfaces when building with --enable-qt5.
NOTE (again) that when buit against Qt5 these plugins will work only in Qt5 plugin hosts at this time (i.e. Rui's Qtractor or drobilla's jalv.qt5, but no longer Ardour), however suil library updates also seem to be on their way. ... read more

Posted by Frank 2015-11-01

qmidiarp 0.6.2 maintenance release

This qmidiarp release comes about a year after the last one...and yet again: Not much new stuff, but some more bugs squeeeezed, thanks to some courageous reporters. And, after all, it's a lifesign isn't it? In other words, updating is of course highly recommended.

Have fun with QMidiArp 0.6.2, below is the list of changes.


qmidiarp-0.6.2 (2015-10-06)

Fixed Bugs
o Arp: Regression: Latch mode caused the first note playing on
forever and other annoyances (Bug #12 reported by Alois Cochard)
o Seq: Small position error of the helper tick line relative to the
notes placed
o Seq: Note length values saved to file were not correct and had no
correct default (Bug #14 reported by Steve Grace)
o LV2 Seq and Lfo: Display was not correct when diminishing resolution
or length in plugin UI

Minor improvement
o LV2 Seq: Vertical zoom values are part of the controls and therefore
saved in presets as well ... read more

Posted by Frank 2015-10-06

qmidiarp 0.6.1 maintenance release

Here is a new qmidiarp release, some small things take some days more than 9 months, don't they? Along with a couple of (important) bugfixes and changes mainly regarding the QMidiArp LV2 plugin suite, 0.6.1 comes with only one new feature: the Arp can now step up and down octaves after a chord has been arped through, nothing more than what you would expect from an Arp...this is something that was already partly possible by constructing a rather long pattern, but now it is simply selectable from combo boxes. ... read more

Posted by Frank 2014-09-24

QMidiArp 0.6.0 Initial release including LV2 plugins

QMidiArp 0.6.0 is out, since of course it cannot miss the huge train of Q-Application updates just racing by for the new year!

This release includes LV2 plugins of the three QMidiArp modules. They are synchronizable to the transport info provided by different hosts in different ways, and they work well with the new Qtractor, thanks to Rui for updates regarding this.

I don't claim that I have fully understood LV2 host-GUI communication, but I found the recent sisco plugin by Robin Gareaus very instructive for this, thanks!... read more

Posted by Frank 2014-01-01

QMidiArp 0.5.3 maintenance release

Dear all,

QMidiArp 0.5.3 fixes a number of bugs and should from now on replace 0.5.2. It also has some minor functional improvements, all is listed below.

With thanks to all reporters, contributors and translators.



qmidiarp-0.5.3 (2013-11-26)

New Features
o Random functions for sequencer and LFO steps and arp repeat mode
(feature request #5 Keith Milner)... read more

Posted by Frank 2013-11-26

QMidiArp 0.5.2 released


QMidiArp 0.5.2 has just seen the light of the day. It brings mainly two improvements. One is a comeback, that of tempo changes on the fly, and that now includes also tempo changes of a potential Jack Transport master. Also the Jack Transport starting position is finally taken into account, so that QMidiArp should be in sync also when starting the transport master not at zero.
The second one is Non Session Manager support, mainly thanks to the work done by Roy Vegard Ovesen!
Note that for compiling in NSM support you will now need liblo as dependency.... read more

Posted by Frank 2013-05-08

QMidiArp 0.5.1 released

I'm happy to announce release 0.5.1 of QMidiArp.
It brings some new features for Arp patterns suggested by gionnico on the tracker. New 't' and 'g' tokens provide semitone shifts, and repeating '0' within chords play out several notes even when only one note is pressed on the keyboard.
It also brings some sort of automation for the parameter storage (see below) that might be interesting when working with live sequencing.
I've updated the demo_seqlfo.qmax that you'll find in /usr/share/qmidiarp/examples and you can download a yoshimi xmz file, which is made for it, from the sourceforge qmidiarp 0.5.1 folder. Check it out, it's a nice sequence I think.... read more

Posted by Frank 2012-11-17

QMidiArp 0.5.0 released

Dear friends, this is the 0.5.0 release of QMidiArp.
As a major new feature, it brings a parameter storage and switch center. You can now store parameters, sequences and waveforms of all modules together, and recall them by mouse click or MIDI CC. The recall behaviour can be adjusted either to take place at the end of a chosen module pattern or after a given number of beats. This adds some more versatility to QMidiArp as a handy Live tool.... read more

Posted by Frank 2012-03-24

QMidiArp 0.4.5 released

QMidiArp 0.4.5 fixes two bugs:

o JACK Transport start with ALSA backend was broken in 0.4.4
o Event forwarding port index was uninitialized in JACK MIDI backend leading to a crash when unhandled MIDI notes were received

Posted by Frank 2012-01-21

QMidiArp-0.4.4 Released

One month later, QMidiArp 0.4.4 comes as a bugfix release. Everyone is encouraged to upgrade to this version.

With many thanks to the reporters and merry Whynachten

qmidiarp-0.4.4 (2011-12-24)

New Features
o JACK MIDI backend doesn't require Jack Transport anymore

o Better usability of the sequencer loop marker
o Improved LFO offset slider behavior
o Quantization to the minimum stepwidth in Arp modules active when
changes in Arp patterns occur... read more

Posted by Frank 2011-12-24

qmidiarp-0.4.3 released

Here it is, a new QMidiArp version has arrived. The main new features are JACK MIDI, which is the default backend now, JACK Session support, and a new in-sequence loop marker that can be used to bounce the play direction or to loop at a mouse-clicked position in the sequence. The full list of noticeable changes is below.
Masters of the step sequencer, Enjoy!

New Features
o Groove functions now work for all modules, not only Arps
o Effect of groove settings is displayed in the Arp/LFO/Seq screen
o LFOs can be triggered and restarted by the keyboard
o When reducing the size of LFO waves or Sequences, the original data
is kept in memory and is also saved to the session file as a whole
o LFO and Seq play direction can now be chosen, and bouncing loops are
o New user positionable loop marker in Seq module. The marker is
placed by left or right mouse click on the bottom cursor line of the
sequencer and represents an additional return/loop point. It can be
removed again by clicking in the bottom left or right area of the
Seq screen.
o Triggered one-shot play of LFO and Seqs improved
o JACK MIDI backend available. This is now default, use the -a option
for getting the ALSA backend
o JACK Session support when using JACK MIDI backend... read more

Posted by Frank 2011-11-20

QMidiarp-0.4.2 released

Great feedback from some users, especially Louigi Verona, Sascha Schneider and Jeremy Jongepier have kept the inspiration level up, some bugs could be squeezed since the last release. Two major issues had been addressed in a provided patch, but other small ones are now done in this release.
I'd like to thank Nedko again for great discussions and answers in most cases :)

But there are also some new features, most of them inspired by you guys:... read more

Posted by Frank 2011-07-10

Patch with important fixes for qmidiarp-0.4.1

Mainly two important issues regarding external synchronization and running stability with only Seq and Lfo modules are fixed by the qmidiarp-0.4.1-fixes.patch file available from the 0.4.1 Download directory.
I'd like to thank Louigi Verona, Brendan Jones and Jeremy Jongepier for quickly reporting and insisting on these overseen issues.

Posted by Frank 2011-06-03

QMidiArp 0.4.1 released

Work is underway, mainly stimulated and supported by Nedko Arnaudov, to make this animal handle JACK MIDI natively. It is far from being finished, so it is not time for this today, but since January, some other handy features have sneaked in making it worth to give an update.
Playhead cursors, waveform-recording MIDI LFOs, some new MIDI controllables and a finer step sequencer control by the keyboard are the main new features brought by this release. ... read more

Posted by Frank 2011-05-28

QMidiArp 0.3.9 released

With season's greetings and the unexpected honor to be the first this year:

QMidiArp is finally reborn !

Although yet in another alpha state this arpeggiator, sequencer and MIDI LFO has grown quite a bit in functionality and, hopefully, usability.

Special thanks for his explanations and initial support go to Guido Scholz.

ENJOY and best wishes for 2011


QMidiArp is available for download at read more

Posted by Frank 2011-01-05